
hmmmm viruses sure do stink, and ya i have run both ccleaner and defraged my computer fairly recently like yesterday actually, but ill consider trying the new user thing
would running combo fix be a bad thing to do, cuz last time i had this problem you had me run that and it actually fixed it
I already had you run combofix on this machine, on the 27th. Unless we are talking about a different computer.
od qstin

Odd question, when did you last repair the OS on that machine? Have you considered doing a repair or reinstall of the OS? It may help you out if there are lots of incorrect/missing registry values and/or system files. And in your case, it seems as though you have had a lot of viruses. Malicious items really take their toll on a computers hardware and OS.

Backup your user programs first. But be sure to get all the malware off the computer before you backup. No sense in backing up a virus! ha ha
johnb- i am talking about this computer and u r right u did have me run it, but uve also had me run it previously a couple of weeks back because i had got a virus and then it was slowing my boot up down(basically the same issue now) and you had me run combofix again and it fixed it. So i wasnt sure if running it again might fix it again.

gamblingman- what do you mean exactly by repairing my OS? by like taking my xp disk and getting rid of everything and starting from scratch? because to be honest i have been thinking about that, but then you said to backup my user programs how would you go about doing that?

thanks for all your help guys
for me

I cant speak for Johnb, but if you are having to run Combofix that often, then something is "funky". Considering the point your at, I would reinstall.

A repair install will "repair" the Os, a better term would be "replace". Any incorrect entries that the OS uses will be replaced. Be it the registry, System files, etc...

You should backup your user files and programs before you do this though. I backup my computer a few times a year (for peace of mind) with a Western Digital external 500GB hard drive. And I do not mean one of the little portable hard drives they also offer, I dont trust them.

I also bought Acronis as the backup program. Though you can just use the backup program that comes with the HDD, if it includes one. It doesnt take more than 45 minutes to run the backup and its a life saver if your computer does die.

You could reinstall the OS, but I believe that in most instances a repair will do just fine. Though if you cant clean the viruses, trojans, etc off before repairing, then the repair will do you no good. A repair install will only help if you are already virus free.

To completely free of malicious items, you would need to reinstall the OS. It sounds bad, I know. But it really isnt all too hard to do. you want to backup your user files and programs before doing this.

A word of advice if you do use a backup. Scan the backup VERY thoroughly and slowly before putting the files back on your computers hard drive.

I have a big question for you, and please take no offense to it. How computer savy are you? Do you have the time and tools to take care of this yourself? If this is more than you feel like you can and/or want to do, then dont feel bad for that. I don't want you to get in the middle of doing something a start to feel overwhelmed. Thats a bad feeling.

(I got that feeling one time when I was halfway through pulling an engine apart, I realized that I didnt have the time, tools, or ability to put it back together! ha ha ha It must have been funny watching me dragging all the parts into the machinist and begging for help. He put it back together for me, and showed me how to do it as he went.)
haha thats funny that you asked how computer savy i was, dont worry im not gana go and do sumthing and then get overwhelmed, it kinds funny cuz i have no problem at all working on other peoples computers, but as for mine for some reason im always a little more hesitent before i go in and do it. I was just asking before about the repair my OS thing because i either have never heard or am drawing a blank about repairing my operating system. In the classes i have taken and then reading i have done, i have done a complete install of an operating system but never a repair so thats why i was asking about that. Is there like an option to select repair? like on the same screen that says full install? i feel as though lately i have learned more from this forum then i have my entire college career lol. Thanks for the help again
not alone

No I understand you about being hesitant about major operations. It can be a good thing to feel a little hesitant. It means that you will go slow, take your time and do it right the first time.

In case you don't know, you need to make sure that your boot list has the optical drive before the hard drive(s) so that the XP disk will run to repair or reinstall. Just remember to switch it back after you finish.

I could go through all the steps here, or I could give you this link to a repair install instruction from Microsoft. Their page gives you a basic run through. If you have any questions on the process, you know where to ask.


Though with all of the problems you have had, I would really recommend a complete reinstall. Like I said before, if you are infected now then the repair install wont help. The repair will fix the damaged, missing, incorrect system information. But if your still infected the malicious object will cause you the same problems you have now.

What do you think Johnb? Would you recommend doing a repair or reinstall of the OS? Or other....?
It maybe just that their profile is screwed up and making a new one might work and then he would have to transfer files over to the new one.

That may do it. Once Johnb mentioned it, I remembered doing that once, and it helped. But I went back in to clean the profile and it took forever. I could have deleted the profile after I was sure I had everything from it. But, I wanted to know what went wrong. I was having problems with active desktop white screen, USB's not recognized (or something like that), and more that I can't remember. It was such a pain then, and now I can barely remember what went wrong!

Sure, why not try a new profile, I don't know why it didn't occur to me! If it doesn't work you can still do the repair/reinstall options. It doesn't hurt to take an easy path first. I'm never against the easy path if it fixes the problem correctly.

But regardless of the problem status, consider doing this for yourself in the coming weeks. Start researching the repair/reinstall procedures online and in books. It cant hurt to know your computer better. And that way if you have a bigger problem in the future, you are familiar with what to do, if the situation calls for "the nuclear option".

But you mentioned computer classes, while a great thing to have taken... nothing beats the problems that others can bring you. I have read things here that I never could have imagined happening to a computer. And now I am better prepared for those eventualities. And then there's the inlaws computer, over 600 objects infecting it last November.... yea for random clicking and downloading! (sarcastic)

And it looks even better when your woman's computer tries to give-up, and you can fix it in minutes. They usually like men that can fix things, I know my girl does!

Also, I would really recommend that you get an external hard drive and backup your programs and user files (like videos, photos and music). It can really reduce the stress of major computer problems if you know that your data is safe.

I have a Western Digital 500GB, I paid $120 for it last year, and they are cheaper now. I think they run $100 for a 1TB. Wow thats big, it sounds crazy to say terabyte and hard-drive in the same sentence.
hahaha that part about the in laws computer and the gfs computer made me die laughing cuz it soooo true, i danno if you have seen my other posts but i have worked on my gfs computer lately and her grandparents only to find out like you said a million(sarcastic a little) adaware and trojans.

But ya i might try making a new user and seeing what happens with that.

And ya i have an external harddrive that i do actually back up my pictures and important documents on. I just wish i had make a system backup file when the computer was in a healthy state lol.

But ya i'll def read up on the repair/reinstall and ill try the new user and see what happens.

Thanks for the help as always
ok so i tried the thing about trying a different or new user account, so i already had a second user account created and i tried that one and it took 7 seconds to load as opposed to the 30 it takes for my normal user account, but then i noticed that some programs that i normally use are not listed in Start/All Programs programs such as google chrome browser, ccleaner, defraggler, is there a reason why that is? and lastly i also noticed on my normal user account that if i go to the control panell and double click on java that it looks all messed up like my screen exploded, what could be this issue? am i better off just reinstalling my operating system?
What about going to java on the new account, what happens then, does it work normally? The reason why some programs don't show up on a different user account is that some programs only install to one account. Ccleaner is one for sure. But you can always access it by creating a shortcut on your desktop to it just like defraggler or chrome browser. If java works fine on the new account, most likely your old account is all screwed up. Once you transfer everything over to the new account you can delete the old and then boot straight to your desktop bypassing the logon screen if you wish unless you need a password for your account.