Hitman 4


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34erd said:
I only got the hitman ranking though :(

I usually get the Terrorist, Psychopath or Deranged Slayer ranking in missions. I guess that means I'm mentally f***ed up. :D


New Member
Going crazy and slaughtering everyone with hedgecutters and a fire extiguisher is ok but you really have to be stealthy to get the most from the game. Completing a level and acheiving Silent Assasin ranking is extremely satisfying, especially when you've tried so hard to get it. So far i've got SA on three levels and it was well worth it. I got something like $600,000 and went on a massive upgrade shopping spree. For the next missions i was able to start with duel overpowered, full-auto silverballers and a machine gun/sniper rifle (the M4 with a scope and the drum mag) Now thats some bloody good fun!


New Member
H-Bomb said:
Going crazy and slaughtering everyone with hedgecutters and a fire extiguisher is ok but you really have to be stealthy to get the most from the game. Completing a level and acheiving Silent Assasin ranking is extremely satisfying, especially when you've tried so hard to get it. So far i've got SA on three levels and it was well worth it. I got something like $600,000 and went on a massive upgrade shopping spree. For the next missions i was able to start with duel overpowered, full-auto silverballers and a machine gun/sniper rifle (the M4 with a scope and the drum mag) Now thats some bloody good fun!
Lol, that's awesome, I'm not sure where I would use all that equipment though. If you take a non-holsterable weapon (like the M4), does it go into a case like the sniper?


New Member
I've never given much thought to the Hitman games, due to the huge amount of gore and such

It's fairly gory but then again there are games that go much further in terms of human goo. i.e God of War, FEAR, Doom 3, Chronicles of Riddick (screwdriver in the neck...nice), and then theres the GTA's and Manhunt


New Member
If you take a non-holsterable weapon (like the M4), does it go into a case like the sniper?

The WA2000 sniper is the only on that can go in the suitcase. If you choose the shotgun or the M4 they will appear in ICA crates near the start of the mission and shown on the map. You have to go collect them to use them. Even when de-equipped they remain in Agent 47's hand so it is impossible to conceal them. BTW i thought you might like to know that you can unlock a silencer for the shotgun (!). Thats right a beastly great shotgun with a silencer on the end! It sounds like a BB gun but it still blasts then 10ft back.


Well-Known Member
It actually sounds like a game I might enjoy. I like espionage type of games, hence why I have Metal Gear Solid(s.) I might be getting my parents to rent it for me on their way back from work tomorrow (Or, depending on where my step dad went golfing, I might get it tonight).

And I completely forgot about God of War. I rented it and yes, the gore, I can't believe I forgot about that game. But noetheless, I enjoyed it, and my friend said the blood looks like a ruby red, that it was "pretty." She's, a little weird. Also, The Warriors. Not that I think of it, this game might not bother me as much as I thought it would.
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VIP Member
mrjack said:
I usually get the Terrorist, Psychopath or Deranged Slayer ranking in missions. I guess that means I'm mentally f***ed up.

Hehe you need to be locked up. :p

I really must get this game now! :)


VIP Member
tweaker said:
Hehe you need to be locked up. :p

I usually go absolutely berserk when there is no option available on how to get to the escape route or something like that. Nice reading in the papers "Psychopath murders 66" or "Deranged slayer massacres 29". :p

tweaker said:
I really must get this game now! :)

You should, it's one of the best games I've played so far. Great story in my oppinion and it gives you a lot of options when it comes down to doing a hit. I like the mission Curtains down, very well made.

The only thing bugging me is the game engine, I get better performance when I use the highest settings compared to using the lowest settings, which is strange, and sometimes the game tends to slow down because of the amount of polygons. And I get some "interesting" graphical results with my card when using Catalyst A.I. at standard, like 47's jaw being 3 meters long, strange shadows and psychedelic reflections. :D
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When you install the games it says "best played on nVidia" is that an nVidia advertisement or will it have bugs like the 3m long jaw when played on ATi?


VIP Member
Usually it means that the game has been developed using nVidia cards, so they have the optimal code for nVidia cards. But there are cases like FarCry, it's a "Best Played On nVidia" game but at the time of it's release it worked alot better with ATi cards. And the 3m long jaw was fixed by pressing Esc and then going back in to the game.

I just installed the 1.1 patch for Hitman, everything was screwed up. My profile didn't work, the game crashes when loading the second mission. But, the framerates were much better when using "Ultra High" settings, no low framerates anymore.
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VIP Member
Has anyone else tried the 1.1 patch? Didn't do much for me except screw up the game. It thought I had the demo installed and created the Profile folder for the demo, I was unable to play any other map except for the first one.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, my reantal period for the game ia about to end, but I really like this game. I'm going to have to find some money to buy it now.


VIP Member
Damn patch! The game got majorly screwed up, artifacts and glitches, crappy performance and all kinds of problems. Reinstalled the game and what do you know, choppy sounds and crappy performance.

I think it's time to do a fresh Windows XP install. :p


I want to get this game now sounds like its a good game. But i dont know if my videocard will be able to handle it. Will my X300SE be able to run it even though it needs a 256MB videocard. Will i be able to play it in low settings.


shadyi said:
the more objects in the game the less performance you will get
that's something i learned when i was studying game programming !
It's something you learn from just playing a game.


New Member
I've been gone for a while (school trip to Ashland Oregon) so I haven't been able to play for a while, I'm on the third level at the rehab clinic. I also loved curtains down, it had an amazing atmosphere, especially with the tour going through.


Well-Known Member
I think I'm on the last mission, the one with the two parties going on in Vagas... I must finish it, the game goes back tomorrow.


New Member
Wow, I just got the last set of upgrades and pimped out my silverballers lol. Not that I ever use any guns but that doesnt matter :p