hourly rate for freelance webdesign?


New Member
well, considering that i do computer work hourly and "freelance". I don't do it as an 8hr a day thing, just a couple of hours in the evening or whatever. My boss and I charge 65-125 dollars an hour depending on travel and the urgency. If he has to leave work or I have to leave school then the charges should go up. When I work alone i charge about 35. Why? Because my name is not well known enough as a good computer tech.
My personaly opinion on what I would charge for a webpage without a lot of past jobs is 75 bucks for the home page, 50 for the next 10 pages, and 25 for the rest of them. That's just me..it's a steal for what I have seen websites go for. Just make sure your work is flawless and in time you will be able to bump your rate because everyone knows you are reliable. It's kinda like a Mercedes. Everyone knows that they can pay more and get better quality with more luxury.
and btw, I'm talking US Dollars.q


New Member
Grimulus said:
My personaly opinion on what I would charge for a webpage without a lot of past jobs is 75 bucks for the home page, 50 for the next 10 pages, and 25 for the rest of them. That's just me..it's a steal for what I have seen websites go for.
that is a steal, I've been under charging to, mostly because I know the people that I've been doing pages for, and they will always give me good referrals. I try to make my work flawless, on of the pages I did was taken over by the owners and I dont really like the look of it, so I no longer list it in my resume. :cool:


Staff member
I dont think many people would like to pay by the hour, they would like to know upfront how much it would cost for a certain number of pages site, and would definitely want to see a portfolio.


New Member
ian said:
I dont think many people would like to pay by the hour, they would like to know upfront how much it would cost for a certain number of pages site, and would definitely want to see a portfolio.

Aye. This is true. With a repair you HAVE to charge by the hour becuase you may be there for a long time. With a new project you charge a flat fee. it makes things more fair for the people paying for them. When I build a computer for someone, i say "The bill will be 1100 dollars" and that's it regardless of complications i may run into. so yeah...be sure and charge a flat fee. if your refferals are good enough i would definitely go up a little.

You may want to make your prices negotiable. Say "I charge X for general projects. I'm willing to neogotiate my prices." So you charge high because your work is good, but you go down a little to make a fair price and make yourself some good money. By saying "General" I mean a basic webpage...of course charge them more for the complexity of the page.


New Member
I explain to them what types of things that will run the price up, animations/flash certain forms stuff like that :)


New Member
nomav6 said:
I explain to them what types of things that will run the price up, animations/flash certain forms stuff like that :)

yeah without a doubt.

also be sure and explain the time invovled with make a site. most people don't understand the true involvement and time it takes to make an attractive website.


New Member
I try to explain that too, also to save me some time I get them to sign up and pay for all of the hosting fees themselves, and that way they know I’m not over charging for hosting too, gives them a little more comfort about the whole thing. :cool:


New Member
it all depends - on the complexity of the project, the professionalism of freelancers, the quality of the work produced etc...

nomav6 said:
what would be an ok hourly rate to charge working freelances?