How can I have four screens on a laptop?

Imagine opening my laptop, folding the top panel out, then the left and right panels out, then having four screens.

I'm curious what would be required for this, what limits me? Mapping? GPU?

I'm wondering if I can buy a bunch of junk laptops but the screens probably don't match.

I also thought of getting some raspberry pis or other all in one computers that I can work with rather than machine stuff.


Well-Known Member
Not possible with a laptop unless you had a strong GPU and something like a VGA splitter.

But thats if you have desktop monitors. As for connecting a bunch of old laptop screens, I'm not sure how (or if) you can do it.


Staff member
Totally doable. Grab something like this.

There are other makes/models from various vendors but the eVGA model seems to be the most well put together. I have a work laptop that I've got 4-8 monitors hooked up to it (not counting the stupid built in screen).

Edit: On second reading, I guess there's a couple other interpretations -- you'd have to go the route of USB monitors - something like this. Also use those at work when we have to go to meetings but definitely want more than 1 monitor.

You'll have to figure out the mechanism for getting it to fold out all cool like on your own though ;)
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Totally doable. Grab something like this.

There are other makes/models from various vendors but the eVGA model seems to be the most well put together. I have a work laptop that I've got 4-8 monitors hooked up to it (not counting the stupid built in screen).

Edit: On second reading, I guess there's a couple other interpretations -- you'd have to go the route of USB monitors - something like this. Also use those at work when we have to go to meetings but definitely want more than 1 monitor.

You'll have to figure out the mechanism for getting it to fold out all cool like on your own though ;)

Sorry for the late response, I sort of bounce forums / subjects

Back here because of some old desktops / trying to get a game development computer...

By the sound of it, your solution is much easier...

I was thinking of virtually linking the four screens using node.js or some kind of WAMP router to communicate between four different devices where the mouse is currently...

Although... hold on that's a different idea, the cross OS/platform mouse

but anyway...

Right now I have one monitor above the other, and it seems top-down is better than left-right but if you had all four then maybe that would be better...

Yeah the folding/hinge part is much easier that's physical haha, the actual software part even possibly hardware...

Anyway thanks for your optimistic response, I'd like to look into this in the future, I bookmarked the two links.

Thanks again.