How can I transfer files between laptop and desktop computer?


New Member
I have purchased Dell Inspiron laptop yesterday. They have given a HDMI cable with that. What is the best way to share the files to connect the laptop with my old desktop computer? can I use that cable to transfer files?


New Member
I have purchased Dell Inspiron laptop yesterday. They have given a HDMI cable with that. What is the best way to share the files to connect the laptop with my old desktop computer? can I use that cable to transfer files?

HDMI is audio/video cable. The best way is probably to with set up a network between the to, but the easiest would be to get a flash drive.


Active Member
I think a USB to USB cable is good enough, but for some reasons I think an external HDD would do it better.


New Member
Depends if it's a one-off transfer of files (eg. moving files to your new laptop), or if it is going to be a constant transfer of files between the laptop and the PC.
If it's a small one off file transfer (eg. a few photos, songs, etc), I'd go a flash drive if you have it (can pick them up for pretty cheap if you don't), or go old-school and burn a DVD.
If it's a larger set of files, (eg. all your videos/games/programs) that would require too many DVDs/flash drives, a external harddrive if you have one would be easiest. If you don't have an external hard drive then either make several trips with the flash drive or use a network.

If you want to constantly share between the two computers, then you'll need to set up a network.


New Member
If you just need to move some files (up to several Gigabytes), then get a flash drive.

If you want to move a large amount of files (to backup all or nearly all of your hard drive), get an external hard drive.

[edit] Ryan's post has a lot of good information.

(Any modern flash drive can hold more than a few photos or songs unless by a few you mean a few thousand. A 4 or an 8 Gigabyte flash drive will hold quite a lot of files. :) )
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Active Member
How big are the files? There are several ways to do this.

USB Drive: If you only have a couple gigabytes of files to move, 16GB USB Flash Drives only cost $20-30, if you catch them on sale. PNY, Kingston, and Corsiar come to mind for brands.

USB Cable: If you have a lot of files to move, USB cables will work.

Ethernet cable: The best way to move a bunch of files without wifi. Simply drag on drop all your files into the Shared Files folder. A more technical, but easier and faster approach is to set the folders containing your files to a shared folder.

WiFi: This is the cheapest way, if you can, since you don't need to buy a cable or a flash drive. Also no wires. Simply create a network group and make sure both computers are set to the same group. Set the folders you want to share to be shared, and your all set.


Active Member
If you have another sata cable you can hook up the laptop drive that way. then you can just transfer the files like any other drive.