How do I go about getting wireless internet?


New Member
Ok well at the moment I have a computer and me and my brother's computers are both linked together with the internet. I want to get a laptop and I want wireless internet but I have no idea and to get it because I have never had wireless internet before can anyone help
First thing you'll need, is a wireless router:


^ That's what I have

After that:


Add that to your lappy, and you're ready to fly!

Make sure that your laptop you buy doesn't have "integrated wireless". If so, you don't need the card. Just the "box with antennas"
Once you get those, install the drivers+software, and you're good to go. That wireless card would be installed in your future laptops slot, and you could either get PCI wireless card, or a usb adapter for your desktops. You can also hard wire one of the desktops to the router, which is what most people do.