How do I secure a Hawkings H2WR54G Router?


New Member
I have a Hawkings H2WR54G router and it's sending out an unsecured, unnamed (default is the name actually) wireless signal to 4 computers in my small business. How do I secure the router so others can't jump on my Internet connection, and how do I name the signal so it matches my company name?

I know how to get into the router ( from a connected PC but securing and naming the network, I can't figure out and those people at Hawkings won't help on the phone without charging me, and the manual doesn't tell me how to do it.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.

Oh, and I also need to create a password for people in my company to be able to use the secured network.
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Yo man..

Assuming the hawkins is similar in setup to a linksys, dlink, sysco...etc.

In the router settings there should be a wireless tab, or possibly under security should see options for 'naming the network' and also a spot to create a password.

You will obviously have to save your changes...

If you dont see either of these tabs or those options..let me know and we'll try option 2..

--When I named my network..(5 computers) ..I call it 'ScooterNet'...2 comps say just the name..2 say Bell768 (ScooterNet), and one doesn't ever show the name unless you view property tab..

So don't worry if you dont see the new name you choose...I think its a quirk with different machines.
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What is option #2 ? :D

LOL!! that was fast...


I'm looking for the page I have that will break everything down for you,,,sorry,,,give me a bit..not sure where it is but its like 'wireless for dummies'...dont take that the wrong all..its just a very simple to read/understand guide.