How do Intel systems know how much to increment the instruction pointer?


OK, so it's obvious to me, through reading the Intel "bible", that Intel systems are definitely not RISC systems.

I suppose, in my limited experience, that one aspect of CISC systems is complicated opcode schemes.

That is, CISC systems based on n-bit architectures don't necessarily operate on a set of purely n-bit opcodes.

For example, modern Intel 64-bit processors operate on opcodes that may be anywhere from one byte long to 15 bytes long.

My question is: how do Intel systems know that the next instruction is n bytes long and that the instruction pointer register should be adjusted accordingly?


Staff member
The by inscrutions themselves.
An x86-64 instruction may be at most 15 bytes in length. It consists of the following components in the given order, where the prefixes are at the least-significant (lowest) address in memory:
  • Legacy prefixes (1-4 bytes, optional)
  • Opcode with prefixes (1-4 bytes, required)
  • ModR/M (1 byte, if required)
  • SIB (1 byte, if required)
  • Displacement (1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes, if required)
  • Immediate (1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes, if required)