How to fix memory leaks?

Memory leaks aren't physical, it is software related. Unless it is your code or you can get the source code and know how to fix it, you can't do diddly except for remove whatever software is causing it and wait for an update
Reprogram your software on Java or C#. They have automatic Garbage collector, that handle memory leaks automatically.
Reprogram your software on Java or C#. They have automatic Garbage collector, that handle memory leaks automatically.
That's true to a certain extent but buggy code can still be written that causes memory leaks.
Reprogram your software on Java or C#. They have automatic Garbage collector, that handle memory leaks automatically.

If it is his software causing the issue and if he wants to/knows how to write in C# or Java...
Assuming it's not your own code, the short answer is restart the program in question when the leak gets out of hand. If it's something that you need to have running 100% of the time you're out of luck.
Thanks everyone. I do indeed need to run it for most of the day and so I'm not sure what else I can do. Would upgrading my RAM allow my computer to run smoother since I have a lot of processes going on?
It will give you more memory to burn through before running out, but it's not a real answer to it. If the memory leak speeds over time or anything like that it's a losing battle.
It depends on how large the leak is and if it is 32 or 64 bit.

A 32bit process runs out of address space at 2-4 GB no matter how much ram you install.
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I think I'm going to just upgrade more RAM. Can it be two different brands in a computer or does the RAM have to be the same?