Huawei D100 Router

hunter mahan

New Member

I have one of these for the last year or so and it has worked perfectly up until recently. I am thinking that a reset may be required, however the router is unlocked and I was just wondering if this reset will reverse the "unlocking"?

It needs to be unlocked to work with 3 ireland dongle.

Anyone know of a guide to doing a reset on d100 and more importantly to get it working properly afterwards?

I suppose I should clarify the issue I'm currently having, internet works perfectly when dongle plugged in directly to laptop. However lately I keep having to switch on and off router until eventually it works properly. (Not a problem with laptop as I have tried it with 3 different laptops)

I'd really appreciate any help, thank you. I have exhausted google trying to find an answer

Forgot to add that when router is not working properly, I can still view a few websites I use frequently, especially a forum I frequent

hunter mahan

New Member
Just in case anyone has the same problem, the reset does not effect the "unlock" and it's quite straightforward to set up afterwards..