I have 2x4 Gskill Ares in my i5


Active Member
I copy and move files a lot so it does ok with 2x4 mems. What happen if I replace the 4 gig module with 8 gig?

I'll have 4 and 8 gig modules for the total of 12 gigs. Will that improve performance?

Later I can have 2x8 for 16.
Copying and moving files isn't memory intensive. Do your most memory intensive procedure and if you are using more then 80 percent of your total ram then it's time to get more.
I see that you are right, I watched the performance monitor. I started out at 90+ MB/s and it tapers down to around 20-30 MB/s before halfway. Why the slowdown? Is that from the buffer?
Sure sounds like the cached data was used in your harddrive. If you copy/move files a lot and want performance, you'll want to get an SSD (solid state drive). If the computer you're using is the one in your signature, only type of ssd you can get is a SSD using a SATA3 interface. The newer NVME drives are not compatible with your system. Something like the Samsung 860 Evo is what you'd be looking at.
I have a 32 Gig cache SSD set up as a Readyboost drive. I wonder if that's the buffer used.