I just got a Nexus 7 but...

Yup. Taking Pics with a tablet sucks, I mean it's a nice feature I guess, I do it to snap a pic without a cam on me, and my old phone had a awful camera. I wouldn't be complaining if I didn't have a tablet camera.
Once again you guys fail to realize that if you take a picture with the back camera, meaning the backside of the tablet, the tablet doesn't show. I don't know why you guys think the tablet is going to show in the picture. If you meant that people are going to think I'm looking stupid, I can care less.
Once again you guys fail to realize that if you take a picture with the back camera, meaning the backside of the tablet, the tablet doesn't show. I don't know why you guys think the tablet is going to show in the picture. If you meant that people are going to think I'm looking stupid, I can care less.

You might not use a mirror but you look stupid in public taking pictures wit the back camera on a tablet. Tablets aren't meant for photography.
The camera sucks! It only has a front view camera so whenever you try to take a picture of something, you have to be in front of it... LAME!
They axed the back camera to keep the price point under $200, the front camera is only a 1.3MP camera (I believe), and it meant solely for video chat, not for photography.