I need a great keyboard


New Member
I guess you could say i am rather picky about my keyboards, but justifiably. A few years ago i bought a cheap logitech keyboard and while it worked rather well, the keys would jam up every once in awhile if you hit them on the edge, which typically happens when playing games, which is the worst time for them to jam.

Next I bought the Micorosoft Laser Desktop 6000. I loved the feel of the slightly curved keyboard, and you can hit any of the keys anywhere you like with just about any force, and they never stick. Sadly, it is wireless, and nothing is worse than playing online and your keyboard giving out requiring you to pull out the batteries, put new ones in, which hopefully you brought, and wait for it to sync with the reciever.

I just bought the Microsoft Natural Erognomic 4000 keyboard. The spacing is a bit odd, but I have used split keyboards before and can adapt the them very easily, and it was wired which was nice, but the spacebar only has 1 sensor on it, so if you tap the edge of the key, the key just bends and hangs up, another way to easily get yourself killed in a game.

Ideally, I want my laser desktop 6000 keyboard to grow a usb cable and all would be wonderful, but until that happens, I need a new keyboard. If anyone out there has a suggestion for a great keyboard with a few comments about why it may be the keyboard for me, please feel free to give me a holler.
Do you like slim keyboards? I personally love them because you don't need to press down as far to hit the keys. You can also generally type faster on them. Also, what's your budget for the keyboard?
there seems to be more than 1 keyboard under the g15 name by logitech, possibly just an updated version of the older one. One has a built in screen with an orange glow while the other have a folding screen that glows blue. Which is better?
The blue one is my preference, but might be discontinued. I would recommend trying them at a local store, the orange one is the newer one. Some people do prefer it because they don't use the macro keys or things like that.
I would say try to find the older G15 (blue) or get a logitech wave cordless set. Those are my two favorite keyboards although I dont own them. LOL
I'd recommend the Logitech G15 or the Saitek Eclipse II (Downside is no programmable keys but it does feature volume control and backlighting which is very useful.)
Another favorite is the Saitek Cyborg. A very nice keyboard.
The G15 for sure although there are two versions of it. The newest G15 has orange lit up keys and the 1st gen G15 has blue lit up keys.

newest G15 FTW
mmm, As I think that sometimes we should buy the high quality keyboard
maybe sometimes we should come across some product to sell with the low price .some of people willing to buy it .but after few mouths .the keyboard will go out.how should we do like this phenomeone?
so maybe we should to looking for some supply which have a good service after selling.
I heard that the have a new website which comes from china.and their service is good.
sometimes if your have sparetime .you should to visit it freely .


hmm better life and better electroincs

ROFL l2spell