I need your opinion about my first gaming build :P

I would be very curious to see that too. Not only for the actual specs but also for the upgradability. This base build allows me to upgrade in the following years. I could get the top ryzen 7 cpu with 64 gb ram, 1Tb M.2 ssd and a top gpu without changing the psu, mobo, case etc.

I agree that I could cut 500$ and have the same specs (cheap case, 450w psu, ryzen 1600x etc...) but with this build I just have to wait for gpu prices to calm down, get a 1080 and nothing else is not bottlenecking.
GPU prices are about back to normal. My brother just got a 1080 for $600 and I spent $570 on mine before the market went to crap.

Nice!! Now depending if your on the island or not, there are 2 places right in montreal that are good shops. Memoland and Microbytes, those would be a good place to visit for a actual retail store. Google them and see if they are convenient to your location.