i5 new build


I think my best buy for the buck is the i5 - 8400 but I have no idea on what motherboard to get?
The RAM people say you just have to have 16 GB of RAM, However I think that is just an ego and money maker. I have a i5 4690 and I haven't even come close to 8 GB. So getting 16 GB of RAM on a new build is a waste of money?
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Staff member
For RAM it depends what you do. Modern games can balloon up to utilizing the majority of 8 GB fairly easily, such as PUBG. Productivity like virtualization eats it super fast as well. It's all subjective and specific to use cases.

What are you upgrading for where your 4590 falls short? One could argue that could be an ego and money maker, or a waste of money, depending on what you're doing.
16gb of ram is good to get simply because it's future proofing. Like beers said, games are getting a lot more resource hungry. I recommend z370 so you can overclock. H370 and B350 don't allow for overclocking.