IDE hard disk installed in server?


New Member
There is one server in my office. and we are running out of space there. we want to add another hard disk, but the SCSI hardisk for server is very expensive. the 72 GB cost about 500 US$ here (not hotswappable,old server^_^). and that's the biggest capacity available.
I know that server work 24 hours, and works harder than the usual PC. but what if we just installed the IDE Hard disk for data storage, not system.
There's just one IDE slot occupied by cd drive, what if we just unmount the cd drive and exchange with an IDE Hard drive. would it be possible?
I cannot just try it, because it's office property and i don't know what will happen...

Can anyone help me....

(not hotswappable,old server^_^).
I feel the pain. :p

I know that server work 24 hours, and works harder than the usual PC.
You are still better off with a SCSI drive .... get some money into cooling it and you should be ok (i.e., get a $10 fan :p)

what if we just unmount the cd drive and exchange with an IDE Hard drive. would it be possible?
I would have thought the CD to be SCSI too (which is somewhat common) but you should be able to do that ... of course depending on the workload possibly not reccomended

nobody can help me here...?
Possibly. But recall that we are here as "volunteers" :)
Thanks Praetor
I know it's not a common problem.
Perhaps i will just have to request a new SCSI drive.. :D
I wouldnt think that its not doable to have IDE or that its not gonna work or anythung ..... its just you might as well use SCSI if you've got the backend infrastructure for it :)