I'm a big fan or irony and politics

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New Member
Surely, I enjoy how the previously blocked and deleted threads happened so quick. Also the fact that neither thread broke the rules stated in the link at the top provided by computerforums.com Perhaps the interpretations are not clear enough on what's allowed and what isn't. Certainly I enjoy my bill of rights, but it seems overkill to lock a thread which discusses mods' thread topics of users.

I'm sure as fast as some you can read this the same will happen, and in all likely hood I will receive an infraction if not become banned. This is nothing new to me. I am graded upon my professionalism at my school. I take it all quite seriously, but it seems to be overkill silly online.
Surely, I enjoy how the previously blocked and deleted threads happened so quick. Also the fact that neither thread broke the rules stated in the link at the top provided by computerforums.com Perhaps the interpretations are not clear enough on what's allowed and what isn't. Certainly I enjoy my bill of rights, but it seems overkill to lock a thread which discusses mods' thread topics of users.

I'm sure as fast as some you can read this the same will happen, and in all likely hood I will receive an infraction if not become banned. This is nothing new to me. I am graded upon my professionalism at my school. I take it all quite seriously, but it seems to be overkill silly online.

Hmmm........this is true, they did not break any rules.....
Rules = what mods feel like doing

this is a forum the ones who run it will always do what they want whether it falls within the stated rules or not. If a Mod wants to delete something just because they have a hair across their butt they will. Why, because they have that power.

Look at a cop for example they are supposed to pull you over for suspicion etc... I know for a fact that cops will pull over people just to harass them, how do I know this my cousin is a cop and he does it to people he just doesnt like. Does that make it right HELL NO, but he out right abuses the power of the badge. Mods can and will do the same thing on EVERY forum, as far as I'm concerned I could careless because I dont want to get involved in forum drama, I have better things to worry about in my normal life. Not to mention I'm not the one paying to run this thing, if you not a paying member I dont think you should care. Who cares if they talk behind your back, I bet if you put a tape recorder on you best friends and listened to them talk when you are not around you will hear them talking junk about you.....it is human nature
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Rules = what mods feel like doing

this is a forum the ones who run it will always do what they want whether it falls within the stated rules or not. If a Mod wants delete something just because they have a hair across their butt they will. Why, because they have that power.

Then we go back to our government. Isnt our country ran the same way? lol.
The rules posted at the top of the forum do not apply to situations where previously priveledged members violate their responsibility to ensure behind the scenes discussions remain there.

It is an unwritten rule that was enforced tonight, but a rule nevertheless that holds true for all moderators, administrators, super administrators and VIP's, which states that private discussions must remain private. In the same way, PM messages from members to other members are not snooped on by any Administrator who feels like being nosey. The issue is privacy and confidentiality, not legality.
Rules = what mods feel like doing

this is a forum the ones who run it will always do what they want whether it falls within the stated rules or not. If a Mod wants delete something just because they have a hair across their butt they will. Why, because they have that power.

Then why even have a set of number guidelines instead of a page that just says "Rules are base upon the moderators' moods, lifestyles, or impulses."

EDIT: I wouldn't have a problem with that but I believe in stating your true intentions.
The rules posted at the top of the forum do not apply to situations where previously priveledged members violate their responsibility to ensure behind the scenes discussions remain there.

It is an unwritten rule that was enforced tonight, but a rule nevertheless that holds true for all moderators, administrators, super administrators and VIP's, which states that private discussions must remain private. In the same way, PM messages from members to other members are not snooped on by any Administrator who feels like being nosey. The issue is privacy and confidentiality, not legality.

no offence, but that is complete bull. i've had pm's "snooped on", on other forums and i'm sure this one aswell. admins can be as nosey as they please, and they will be. anyone who wants the links to the pics can "privately pm me"
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I'm sorry you disagree with what I've said, but the fact remains that private sections of the forum ensure people in a position of responsibility and power on this forum are held accountable for their actions by other members of the moderating team. The same standards of the forum where you had your PM's snooped on cannot be applied here. If you ever got to know what kind of a man runs this forum, you'd know he's an honest man who wouldn't stand for the kind of cavalier attitudes you think the mod team hold.

There'd be no way to prove to you the workings of the forum without violating the very confidentiality that I'm talking about. If you can't take my word for it, I honestly won't lose too much sleep.
In the same way, PM messages from members to other members are not snooped on by any Administrator who feels like being nosey. The issue is privacy and confidentiality, not legality.

I to have to call BS on that as well. I'm a mod on a few car forums and each and every one of them the Admin more so than mods snoop through Person Pm's
I didn't read this whole thread but I got the point.
Moderators are moderators for a reason, whenever they feel a thread would turn into a flaming war they close it, what's wrong with that?
This should be a friendly environment and they are doing everything they can to keep it like this, sure it's ok to have political threads going on but some people just lose self control and and everyone then starts to point fingers.
It's not only moderators job to keep this forum clean, but we members have to act like adults and not turn everything to a fight.

Conclusion: Members share responsibility just like moderators for everything happens in the forum.
Edit: About that privacy thing.
Sorry but if you didn't trust this forum why did you join in the first place?

PS: I hope this thread doesn't turn into another war and get closed to, so please keep it cool. :)
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isnt this like...
if theres a camera in a public place, the people in that habitat need to know that there being watched?

relating to this, shouldnt we be told that certain stuff is being monitored?

cause, if you did these people prolly wouldnt be second guessing or outraged.

i however, dont care weather i get badmouthed or snooped on pms in cf.
First, admins and some mods do read PM's. I know for a fact because i've been confronted by admins here about whats been going on in the PM's I send.

Also, it's one thing for the special needed members to have a VIP Lounge, but why is it so ironic that you guys have threads saying who should be banned, and making fun of members who dont really know what there talking about. And then you tell us in the public threads that we cannot make fun of anyone, call anyone names, etc?
[-0MEGA-];546699 said:
First, admins and some mods do read PM's. I know for a fact because i've been confronted by admins here about whats been going on in the PM's I send.

Also, it's one thing for the special needed members to have a VIP Lounge, but why is it so ironic that you guys have threads saying who should be banned, and making fun of members who dont really know what there talking about. And then you tell us in the public threads that we cannot make fun of anyone, call anyone names, etc?

Its just the way the world works man. The government in this forum is no better then our own.
The rules posted at the top of the forum do not apply to situations where previously priveledged members violate their responsibility to ensure behind the scenes discussions remain there.

It is an unwritten rule that was enforced tonight, but a rule nevertheless that holds true for all moderators, administrators, super administrators and VIP's, which states that private discussions must remain private. In the same way, PM messages from members to other members are not snooped on by any Administrator who feels like being nosey. The issue is privacy and confidentiality, not legality.

Its just the way the world works man. The government in this forum is no better then our own.

That's the type of attitude that let's dictatorship in general rules.
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