I'm a big fan or irony and politics

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If this thread remains civil long enough, I hope someone in a more senior position will be able to add their voice. I wouldn't be surprised if many of you distrust what I say, in the same way that you distrust what politicians say, even the good ones.

To address your points, Geoff, PM's are only discussed and acted upon when the person receiving the PM has had cause to bring it to the mod team's attention. Only in those circumstances, when an appeal has been made by someone, will we as a mod team ever know what goes on between PM conversations.

To address your second point, what you are saying is true in one respect, but it is also analagous to the rule that you can do whatever you like, legal or not legal, off the forum, but discussions of an illegal nature are closed down. A police officer may have his own personal beliefs, but when serving the public they are supposed to be impartial. The mod team are human, and find many of the same things funny as I'm sure the rest of you do. The difference is, the private forum sections are there to provide a freer and lighter atmosphere to ensure a balance when dealing with the public posting.

Just a reminder, I'm happy to debate this with anyone, but lets keep it civil. Despite what some of you may think, there are good intentions at work by all the moderators and administrators.
Ok, this bring up a huge debate here between CLW and CF.

First the background, some of my friends that used to be on this forum made there own private forum, and yes they bashed CF a few times, but whats different about that vs the VIP lounge? Here is the PM that was sent to me by a mod on the topic:

For your information omega, apj101 issued you with the infraction. I edited your post and closed the thread.

I can't quite see how you can say anythign at this point. Some of the threads and posts on CLW are far from complementary to cf.com. Not only do you openly link to the site in your signature, but you then publically advertise the site that you were baltantly trashing cf.com on.

So don't try and get all high and mighty for "the way mods/admins do thigs round here" when people like you are constantly ripping the site to pieces through actions such as that.

Ranked 2nd on the entire board, over 12,000 posts... Does that not command at least a tiny bit of respect or dignity to belong to cf.com? It obviously doesnt.

I can tell you straight off that this whole CLW issue has not been taken lightly by any of the moderation team. It is being discussed constantly and has been for the past 5 days. When Ian returns and finally gives some input there will be consequences, such that you are currently provoking following actions such as these recent incidents.


And yes, all communication through PM is being shown to the mod/admin team.

I'll add in that all I did was post a link to the forum in a thread where others were posting links to there forums, and I had a very short "CLW" link in my sig, but I immediately removed it.
If this thread remains civil long enough, I hope someone in a more senior position will be able to add their voice. I wouldn't be surprised if many of you distrust what I say, in the same way that you distrust what politicians say, even the good ones.

To address your points, Geoff, PM's are only discussed and acted upon when the person receiving the PM has had cause to bring it to the mod team's attention. Only in those circumstances, when an appeal has been made by someone, will we as a mod team ever know what goes on between PM conversations.

To address your second point, what you are saying is true in one respect, but it is also analagous to the rule that you can do whatever you like, legal or not legal, off the forum, but discussions of an illegal nature are closed down. A police officer may have his own personal beliefs, but when serving the public they are supposed to be impartial. The mod team are human, and find many of the same things funny as I'm sure the rest of you do. The difference is, the private forum sections are there to provide a freer and lighter atmosphere to ensure a balance when dealing with the public posting.

Just a reminder, I'm happy to debate this with anyone, but lets keep it civil. Despite what some of you may think, there are good intentions at work by all the moderators and administrators.

Then perhaps the same lack of fear should go for non-mod forum members in their own private sections. I understand the duties of a mod but in all honestly seems quite like hypocrisy. In which case, I have no problem with as long as the intentions are stated, then it would be me, the user's fault.
Right. No

There seems to be a lot of controversy here at CF tonight....I wonder what spurred it all?
Standard members have a facility to allow each other to have a laugh at another member, it's called Private Messaging. Two people who share the same view, can talk about what they like via PM's, so long as it doesn't spill over onto the main forum. There's no hypocracy at work, the private forum sections are the equivilent of PM's between standard members.

And Geoff, that subject was discussed at length, was fairly unique, and was within the guidelines that it's not the fact that you had a link in your signature, it was what that link referred to. You're free to disagree with the decision all you want, but a moderator concensus was involved.
And Geoff, that subject was discussed at length, was fairly unique, and was within the guidelines that it's not the fact that you had a link in your signature, it was what that link referred to. You're free to disagree with the decision all you want, but a moderator concensus was involved.
I can understand if I was posting it everywhere, but I made one simply post linking to it. And it was in a thread which was talking about other forums that members are involved in.

I know that it wasnt the best thing to do, but I honestly didnt know they were bashing CF at the time. Even still, that was on a completely different forum and shouldn't have any baring on me on this forum.

I've read some of the posts that you guys (before you were mod) made in that thread, and although you didnt advertise is, it still wasnt very nice. Talking about how I think im all high and mighty because I was #1 on the top 10, and Tweaker saying he would leave CF if I ever became mod, and so on and so on.

Now... enough of the fighting

Now, you all remember me of course. Well, im sure you also knew that i was a proud member of the CLW forum. The only reason we "bashed" on this forum is becuz of the way the mods act. They act like pure assholes to the people that they dont like and thats pure and simple. I would know, they did it to me. Although i had more reason to be banned, but not IP banned. That was a little too far i think for a one nighter.

For those that dont know, i was banned under the name {LSK} Otacon after being intoxicated and posting a bunch of stuff i now dont even remember what i posted. I know that it wasnt anything THAT outragous though becuz i never WANTED to get banned from here. I like the members in this forum very well, and respect most all of them (aside from bobo cuz hes a clown lol.) Anyway, the mods are the only thing i have had problems with on this forum. And not all of them, some of them were great. Its not all the mods. The one i had and still have the biggest problem with is Dragon2309 or whatever. I believe that he really misused his mod powers beyond what any mod should closing threads just becuz he felt like it and what not. Why he is still a mod we may never know. The other mod i currently have a problem with would be Jet, as he seems to be following the same route as Dragon. There was a few other mods that i really got into it with but the rest of the mods i do not believe i had that much problem with. I think that an IP ban (which you banned the wrong IP by the way lol) was very extreme for my behaviour. A week or maybe a month tops woulda been suffient. Yea, i pry shouldnt have been posting drunk, but who cares? Is that not what a forum is for? And if i remember enough, i posted mostly in the off-topic part.

Now, back to the problem. You banned Clutch becuz of the forum he made. That, is what pissed me, and alot of other people off as well. There was absolutely NO reason to ban him for that. He did nothing wrong and i believe you all know it. What he did was nothing more then what you mods do. He created a place where we could "make fun of" the forum in some aspects. Not the entire forum itself. And I, ME, OTACON, was the one who did most of the bashing in that forum anyway. So why you banned him we still do not know.

But CLW was NOT created for the sole purpose of making fun of and bashing on CF as you all make it out to be. CLW was created so that a small group of friends could discuss things and just hang out somewhere. We hoped the forum would get big, but, its fine.

In conclusion! I would like to state that, like i did before, i dont have a problem with anyone on this forum other then a few mods. The rest of the people i have met here are very great people, that is why i did not want to be banned. I was making some pretty good friends here i thought. Whether or not Kagome liked me much i guess ill never know lol, i kinda f-ed that one up that night as well with the posting. Yea, i posted that i think kagome is hot. Im sticking to that statement lol. Anyway im getting myself off-track now.

As for the others, like i said, i thought i was a great member here, i helped people when i could, i had fun, made friends, and found an over all cool place to hang out. But that was all taken away by a pissed off head-in-the-clouds mod who thought i needed to be banned forever.
(aside from bobo cuz hes a clown lol.)
WHY does everybody think I'm either a clown or a robot????? grrrr

The one i had and still have the biggest problem with is Dragon2309 or whatever. I believe that he really misused his mod powers beyond what any mod should closing threads just becuz he felt like it and what not. Why he is still a mod we may never know.
I'm in total agreement here. Fortunately this thread isn't in his section. :rolleyes:
I strongly agree with you LSK, in virtually every aspect. Sure you made the occasional pointless post, but who doesnt? Apart from that you did help out alot with members here, and I could see a temporary ban, but not permanent.

The mods may have other reasons as to the banning of you and clutch (who was an excellent member here), and if thats the case why dont you tell them? Instead of having the generic "you have been banned for: [generic response]".

And Clutch did something that did give you the right to take away his VIP status, however 99.9% of his posts were intelligent and helpful, and I see no reason why you had to ban him.
I'm sure you've all been to forums which have been under-moderated, and can recognize the perils of adopting that approach. It is sometimes necessary to close threads preemptively, in order to prevent them from getting out of hand. We are only human, and sometimes we make mistakes. It's not always possible to write a set of rules that can be applied to every possible situation. Any member is welcome to PM the mod/admin team if they wish to have a decision reviewed.

PMs are generally private, except where the recipient decides to report an abusive PM to the mod/admin team. The only exception to this is with regards to PMs concerning moderating policies or activities. These may be shared with the mod/admin team, as it is often not appropriate for a single moderator to make such decisions alone.

Geoff, aside from forum posts denigrating CF and its members, the site in question contained semi-pornographic (and now extremely pornographic) images as well as other objectionable material. In addition, it has always been considered inappropriate to link to a rival forum that you own or moderate. I am amazed that you considered it appropriate to link to in the first place.

Now, back to the problem. You banned Clutch becuz of the forum he made. That, is what pissed me, and alot of other people off as well. There was absolutely NO reason to ban him for that. He did nothing wrong and i believe you all know it. What he did was nothing more then what you mods do. He created a place where we could "make fun of" the forum in some aspects. Not the entire forum itself. And I, ME, OTACON, was the one who did most of the bashing in that forum anyway. So why you banned him we still do not know.
There was a lot more than that involved in Clutch's ban. I hope you can all realize that discussions occur behind the scenes, and that some members are reprimanded or banned on the basis of actions that are not publicly viewable.

The actions taken as a result of the CLW incident were not carried out by any single mod. Rather they represent a consensus on the part of the entire moderating team.
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