Im assuming we've all seen this?

They do look great cards. 1070 faster than 980Ti. Wow.

I'm still undecided if they are going to be a worthy jump over my 980Ti's. 30% increase at least for me. Anything under then I'll just wait for the cards next year.

Guess we will have to wait for true benchmarks to be released.
I guess it comes down to if you 'need' the horsepower. I don't so i want be upgrading.

I agree.. I definitely don't need GTX1080 but I am in a position where I can get it, and sell my 980 discounted to a friend that needs a GPU and cant afford new...

But yeah, crazy overkill..but I like it!! :)
For me I could do with a touch more for 144hz 1440p. Still takes a lot of power to run at ultra settings. The 6gb can be eaten up pretty quickly aswell.

They will keep me happy until the 1080Ti. But it depends on how powerful the 1080 is. I can wait if needed.


Looking good.