Im going to try Vista!!


New Member
Tonight I have a computer science class and we are going thrpugh the install and testing of Vista!! I can't wait to see what it looks like, though I know it will have 100s of bugs, Ill keep everyone posted.
I tried it a few months back. I don't remember the exact version, but I can say it was junk! Perhaps it's better now, but there were tons of bugs and it was quite slow.

I've heard from a few people it's not going to be a good OS... Good luck getting it to run worth a shit ;P
its good. depends on your hardware config.

is it at school? hopefully you guys have good pcs. most pcs at school are junk.
Yeah it ran pretty good, had some good changes. Of course it is going to be buggy, Its a beta, that is the reason they let people try it so they can fix all the bugs. All in all mine wasn't buggy and it looked to be a good OS.
Might be a good idea to wait for the first service pack to come out to patch up the more glaring problems before installing it. I'm gonna keep my xp until all those other poor suckers figure out the bugs so I don't have to, heh heh heh.
suprasteve said:
Might be a good idea to wait for the first service pack to come out to patch up the more glaring problems before installing it. I'm gonna keep my xp until all those other poor suckers figure out the bugs so I don't have to, heh heh heh.
Somehow dont think the first service pack will be released til a few months after Vista itself is release, which isnt til 2007
yeah, that's what I mean, by the first service pack any big issues with the original release should be addressed, so I'm thinking of giving it a little time so those get patched without giving me headaches you know?
I tried it back when it was called Longhorn, and its sucked back then, dont know what its like now, hopefully its better.