Im Stumped


New Member
I have no idea which CPU to get....

First off, ill be using it for image editing, Photoshop.
Webdesign, a bunch of HTML and dreamweaver.
Games, not too many... WoW, CS, CS:S.

With that said, this is the one I plan on getting.

AMD X2 4800, ive been told its overkill for my needs, and should go with the 4400 and OC it.

Then ive also been told a AMD 4000 Clawhammer with a decent OC can handle all that too.

Also that I should just go ahead and get the FX-57.

Theres also a bunch of new AMDs on the way in 06. So... what would you guys do.

If it matters, my board will be the DFI LANPARTY UT nF4 SLI-DR Expert.
If your feeling ambitous get the s939 opty 165 and overclock it. Note its not officialy suported by the motherboard so if you have a proble DFI and AMD will not help you.
Otherwise I would get the 4400+.
CmoAMD said:
Whats is Opteron or whatever... and why wouldnt it work on my board?
Opteron is the server/workstation class of AMD. They have recently ported from socket 940 to 939. However people have been finding out that the socket 939 single core Opterons are basicly downclocked FX's. If you've got a good stepping (specificly CABNE/CABYE, both of which are getting rarer) a single core opty can often go from 2 gigahertz to 3 gigahertz. The dual core opty's are almost exactly like the x2 line, only only reason I recomend the 165 is because its got 1 mb of cache and is $30 cheaper than a regular x2 3800+. It overclocks a bit better also.
The Opty should work, but if you have any issues, even if they are unrelated to the processor/mobo comaptibility, DFI staff wont help you.

As for the new processors, right now is the time when all the new tech has settled in, so its up to you if you want to wait or buy now.
wow a 7800gtx 512mb just for WoW and CS. thats overkill.
and you dont need an fx57 thats way too expensive.
and i heard that from the 4200 to the 4400 isnt even worth it. so id go with a 4200 and OC that if you really need to.
Mr.Suave said:
wow a 7800gtx 512mb just for WoW and CS. thats overkill.
and you dont need an fx57 thats way too expensive.
and i heard that from the 4200 to the 4400 isnt even worth it. so id go with a 4200 and OC that if you really need to.

Overkill? I think its ..... well anyway I dont want to lag at all! Im tired of this crappy PC. So I want to make sure I dont lag. I think I will probably go for the 4200.... its half the cache though.

and if cache isnt important, should I just go for the 4600?
CmoAMD said:
Overkill? I think its ..... well anyway I dont want to lag at all! Im tired of this crappy PC. So I want to make sure I dont lag. I think I will probably go for the 4200.... its half the cache though.

I built a computer for my friend with a 3800+ (not OCed) with a 6800GT video card with 1GB of Corsair XMS and I tested Wow, Half Life 2, and Doom 3 on full setting and got no lag! Granted you won't be able to multi-task while playing those games but that doesn't apply to too many people anyway. For the amount of gaming you will be doing you won't need anything could use that money for something more important.