install new ram pc wont post

Ok so I had 8gb of ram in a 2 stick kit. Ram was installed in slots A1 and A2. I brought a new 8gb kit stuck ram in slots B1 and B2. PC wont post. removed stick from B2. PC started fine. Changed ram from B1 with other new stick that was removed PC started fine. Re installed new stick into B2, PC wont post. so Im guessing the new ram is fine but there is something wrong with the B2 slot on my motherboard. Anyone offer any suggestions to fix it or anyting else that could help? on visual inspection the board looks fine but im no expert.
If it is a faulty slot you will be hard pushed to repair it without some pretty fancy and expensive equipment. Computer boards are multilayered and difficult to repair with normal bench equipment. It could be dirty contacts and a soft brush with a very very tiny amount of contact cleaner, I use isopranol alcohol and let me emphasise the tiny amount again, might clean it. Other than that I can only say that you cannot use that slot and to upgrade the memory in the two slots that are working. Most motherboards like their RAM to be paired so a duff slot will rule that out.
Ok so I had 8gb of ram in a 2 stick kit. Ram was installed in slots A1 and A2. I brought a new 8gb kit stuck ram in slots B1 and B2. PC wont post. removed stick from B2. PC started fine. Changed ram from B1 with other new stick that was removed PC started fine. Re installed new stick into B2, PC wont post. so Im guessing the new ram is fine but there is something wrong with the B2 slot on my motherboard. Anyone offer any suggestions to fix it or anyting else that could help? on visual inspection the board looks fine but im no expert.

Did you purchase identical RAM to the original? You could try blowing out the suspect slot with compressed air. Try clearing CMOS. If that doesn't work, it's likely the slot is bad and nothing can be done.

Is the motherboard under warranty? Is it the motherboard in your signature?
pretty sure the motherboard is under waranty just need to find out my receipt for it. Its not the one in my signature.
The ram I brought was the same as what I already had in my system