Installing Windows 8, please help me with these two questions :)

Found it but it didn't sloved it.

Stumped. If StrangleHold's suggestion didn't solve ur problem, the only two things i can think of are:-
1>Check manufacturer's website and see if a newer BIOS is available for download.
2>Contact manufacturer's technical support helpline to see if this is a known issue with your model, and if there is a patch available.

What was your previous OS? Was all the 4GB available on that OS?
Thanks everyone for reading and replying. I tried the 32bit version, and it'd only see 2.8GB on my laptop. Reformatted and installed the 64bit version, and it can now see all the 4GB as expected. Sacrificing 1.2GB felt kinda' stupid, no matter what. Have a good day :)
Stumped. If StrangleHold's suggestion didn't solve ur problem, the only two things i can think of are:-
1>Check manufacturer's website and see if a newer BIOS is available for download.
2>Contact manufacturer's technical support helpline to see if this is a known issue with your model, and if there is a patch available.

What was your previous OS? Was all the 4GB available on that OS?
I used XP and 7 and they used 3.5 too.
In BIOS at system information it says 4GB installed and 3.5 avabile.
Ended up with 64 bit after all, lol. Glad you got your laptop up and running.

:D yea Strangle, i did :p
Sacrificing 1.2 GB seemed like a bit extreme, even from a "efficiency of code" POV :D
If it could see 3.5 GB with the 32 bit, I probably would have stayed on 32 bit, but unfortunately it could only see 2.8 GB on my HP. Installing 4 GB of physical memory and using only 2.8 GB, is a bit too extreme lol, but i guess u still agree with me on the logic,
If z - p is '+ve', then 32 bit is appropriate. If z - p is '-ve', 64 bit is better.
On my particular setup, 'z - p' turns out '-ve', because wasted RAM due to architecture restrictions (the value of 'y') is disproportionately high.
Thanks for your time and help, CF rocks :)
In BIOS at system information it says 4GB installed and 3.5 avabile.

If it says 3.5 GB available in the BIOS itself, then it's definitely a firmware issue.
If the BIOS presents 3.5GB to the OS, then the OS addressing scheme is irrelevant. If i were you, i would try flashing/ updating the BIOS. If that didn't work, i would check with manufacturer's technical support helpline to confirm if the mobo is capable of handling more than 3.5GB, and if there's a patch available.
Did you look in windows under System Configuration under the Advanced Options and make sure Max memory is not checked?

StrangleHold, just out of curiosity, when u say "system configuration", what exactly are u talking about? msconfig? it's not a problem on my laptop, mine sees all the 4GB with 64bit, just curious. Thanks :)
If it says 3.5 GB available in the BIOS itself, then it's definitely a firmware issue.
If the BIOS presents 3.5GB to the OS, then the OS addressing scheme is irrelevant. If i were you, i would try flashing/ updating the BIOS. If that didn't work, i would check with manufacturer's technical support helpline to confirm if the mobo is capable of handling more than 3.5GB, and if there's a patch available.

I will try :)
StrangleHold, just out of curiosity, when u say "system configuration", what exactly are u talking about? msconfig? it's not a problem on my laptop, mine sees all the 4GB with 64bit, just curious. Thanks :)

Yeah, under the boot tab and then Advanced Options.