Installing Windows On Certain Drive?


New Member
I am trying to install windows on a certain drive 'G:' I got a new drive from another computer I had and I formated it as FAT35 and I wanted to no. How can I install windows to this drive? I mean I dont want anything uninstalled from my main drive! I want to install windows on this G: Drive!
I think you mean FAT32. Windows uses NFTS. You can uses the Windows install disk to format the drive.


Insert Windows Disk


Boot From Disk (You may have to go into BIOS and set Boot Priority to CD above Hard-Disk)

Follow instructions untill you get to the drives page (Select your new drive to format)

Format on your newly installed drive

Install Windows
I think you mean FAT32. Windows uses NFTS. You can uses the Windows install disk to format the drive.


Insert Windows Disk


Boot From Disk (You may have to go into BIOS and set Boot Priority to CD above Hard-Disk)

Follow instructions untill you get to the drives page (Select your new drive to format)

Format on your newly installed drive

Install Windows

I will still have my stuff right? Like I dont want to reformat my C: Drive I want To format my G: Drive.