Internet all screwy


New Member
ok, heres my setup. I have two computers and a ps2 hooked up to a lynksys router. They both have windows xp home edition with service pack two. One computer works perfectly nothing wrong. But the other one doesnt work on the internet. I have aim and trillian on that computer. When i connect to trillian, it doesnt connect most of the time. But when it does, the internet browser (mozilla Firefox) doesnt work and aim doesnt connect. and when it doesnt connect, neither of them connect still. please help me
sounds like you might have a firewall blocking those programs... check your firewall settings to see what programs are allowed to access the net.
ya i thought that was it in the first place so i disabled my firewall and tat didnt work. then i made sure all the programs were allowed and that didnt work either
Make sure that the gateway and IP settings are configured correctly, or it could be a bandwith problem... How much of a bandwith do you have anyway?