Internet Connectivity when Downloading/Running Games


New Member
For starters, I know very little about computers. I would appreciate as much of a kindergarten explanation as I can get. Thank you.

I've never experienced any issue with internet connectivity in the past (save for the fact that when the microwave is turned on I lose connection, but apart from that). I own a computer downstairs which could not connect to the internet without a USB adapter. Problem 1: For some reason, I lost the ability to connect to the internet or even view any internet options without an ethernet cable, which was only solved when I moved that USB adapter upstairs, though I previously never needed one. That worked for a while, and I'm willing to keep the USB adapter up here. My concern is that I will have to continuously upgrade adapters.

Recently, whenever I attempt to download large files or play a game on the internet, every computer in the house (both of my parents laptops are included) lose connection to the internet. They do not use USB adapters, I do at this point. The closest thing to an answer I found said that the person needed to upgrade their USB adapter, they said that worked. I'm concerned for two reasons on this front: Will I have to upgrade again in the future? Will my parents still receive internet outages while I do not if I only buy an adapter for myself? I'm in the room right next to where our internet is placed. We had charter spectrum put in less than a year ago, and we had an upgrade on our wireless router even sooner than that. Watching task manager every time I begin a download, my network never goes above 33% before it crashes and returns to 0%, and as an individual who possesses the intelligence of a kindergartner I'm simply taking my best guess that that's information that I should probably share. If I omitted any necessary information just ask and I'll try and figure out how to get it to you guys.


Staff member
This could be caused by a bad adapter, router or combination of both. You'll just have to replace adapter and see. I've seen bad lan ports on pc's cause this same issue as well.