Internet Explorer vs. FireFox

What do you use the most?

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I've used both browsers a lot, mostly IE, except when I had an iMac a few years back I used FireFox. I do however use FireFox sometimes and then end up going back to IE. FireFox works great until I get to the point with plug-ins on some sites and then minor inconveniences like streaming videos; in IE if a video is going to open up in Windows Media player, it just does when I click it; In FireFox, it asks to save or open, then it opens the download window which can be disabled but something still happened like it opens back or something.

Anyway, many people say how FireFox is so much better? So whats actually better about it cause I really don't know? IE works pretty much fine for me and I know it has problems, its only Microsoft, still I can pretty much depend on it working
I was getting annoyed with IE 6 until the final version of IE 7 came out. That has seemingly now removed the need for Firefox 2.0 in XP. But the greyed out options for sending links or pages on Vista is a concern now. Despite numerous attempts at changing security settings and no more "add/remove Windows components" option seen in the Control Panel's add/remove nothing has kept Firefox from still being used more on Vista at the moment.
Firefox runs smooth despite the OS due to having been better written in the first place along with IE being the target of adwares, spywares, viruses, trojan downloaders, and phishing attacks by web sites to collect personal data. These problems are finally being looked into by Microsoft while being quite OVERDUE! But I'm by no means favoring Google as the default seach engine there or seeing a Google or Yahoo toolbar in IE 7.
I like firefox because not many people use it so viruses don't target it as much, but I guess as its popularity increases that advantage will be made redundant. :p
You can find some "bugs" for Linux systems too. But someone will need to focus more on Firefox to slip those by. The toolbar addon used on IE isn't available in a Mozilla form for Firefox unfortunately. Rather then selecting each plugiin search engine "one at a time" the one used combines results from 5 or 6 all at once. Makes life a little easier there. :D

The one problem with IE 7 with greyed out send page and send link items as mentioned earlier is still one unsolved problem with no information found at MS or any other place. Configuring Firefox to use either Windows Mail or Thunderbird for this makes that a requirement for two browsers.
Never had a use for anything FF (or IE7) had to offer; IE loads faster (granted it "cheats" cuz its preloaded into the OS, but the end result is what i care for").
Never had a use for anything FF (or IE7) had to offer; IE loads faster (granted it "cheats" cuz its preloaded into the OS, but the end result is what i care for").
My hatred for IE (any version) is mainly fueled by its inability to render pages the way i code them... and the development group's complete stupidity to not include PNG support for the last 11 YEARS, their argument is that they would need to rebuild the IE page rendering engine from scratch.... BUT THEY'VE HAD 11 YEARS!!!! (since png v1.0 was released in 1996...)

As a semi-ok-ish web designer and coder IE has got to be the worst thing i deal with every day...

FF is my choice, it looks nicer (always a good thing), it loads what it see's (does what it says on the tin), supports PNG's (rubbing it in IE's face), add-on's and extensions are just plain cool...

I used to use NEtscape about a year ago... it was actually quite good, but in the end got beaten by FF, never used opera before

My hatred for IE (any version) is mainly fueled by its inability to render pages the way i code them... and the development group's complete stupidity to not include PNG support for the last 11 YEARS, their argument is that they would need to rebuild the IE page rendering engine from scratch.... BUT THEY'VE HAD 11 YEARS!!!! (since png v1.0 was released in 1996...)
Hehe perhaps, from the webdev i do and the people that do it that i associate with, this is indeed a big frustration, then again ... I'm the guy who wants to censor his own internet .... go figure :p
hey you should have included Avant browser instead of putting 'others'.
i use FF2 on a daily basis. i very rarely use IE.
hey you should have included Avant browser instead of putting 'others'.
i use FF2 on a daily basis. i very rarely use IE.

i completely forgot about that browser, probably cause I used it only once in my life. I also should have included netscape i guess.
Mozilla is more faster
How so? IE6 (not had enough time to propelry bench Vista environment) loads faster -- sure it cheats cuz its 90% loaded already but it still loads faster...
I hate IE and only use it when I have to view a website that uses active X, which I also hate with the passion of a 1000 burning fires from the darkest pit of hell!
How so? IE6 (not had enough time to propelry bench Vista environment) loads faster -- sure it cheats cuz its 90% loaded already but it still loads faster...

I see IE 7 here in Vista smoking past Firefox 2.0 all of the time. The one constant annoyance not seen with either IE 6 or 7 on XP is seeing the "send page" and "send link" options in the file menu greyed out? That's a new MS glitch there.

both do a terrible job on the browser acid test 2.0

Pretty sure opera does the most accurate HTML decoding.

I ran Opera briefly and dumped it. I think it's mainly personal preference like Netscape for that browser. There were no hangups but the layout doesn't go over well wuth many.
ya, i use firefox

it is glitchy sometimes, tho.

it behaves badly with a lot of web sites anti-leeching scripts

only a minor drawback, tho
I use mozilla mostly since I like the tabbed browsing better I open up a bunch of windows and mozilla just has the right buttons that i need for that
IE 7 can also use tabbed browsing. In fact when first starting it up when finishing the installation in XP or when first opening it in Vista you are faced with tabs when opening multiple windows. In the internet options seen for IE you look down at the tab icon and click on the button to the right to enable tabbed browsing there by placing a check in the box and choosing the additional options seen.
I see IE 7 here in Vista smoking past Firefox 2.0 all of the time. The one constant annoyance not seen with either IE 6 or 7 on XP is seeing the "send page" and "send link" options in the file menu greyed out? That's a new MS glitch there.
Yeah well when im in vista i use IE7 too but without the tabbed browsing heh