Invalid IP address

Hi, again, John, and hi tlarkin,

I went into the settings and there were now 3 networks listed, the unsecured one, and my 2 (same name, 1 automated, 1 manual). I removed the unsecured one, and the automatic one, which left the WAP2 one. I tried to log ohto that one, gave the WAP key when requested, then nothing. No net either. I can reset the router and will do that with no security and see what happens.

Thanks again,

Hi, again, John, and hi tlarkin,

I went into the settings and there were now 3 networks listed, the unsecured one, and my 2 (same name, 1 automated, 1 manual). I removed the unsecured one, and the automatic one, which left the WAP2 one. I tried to log ohto that one, gave the WAP key when requested, then nothing. No net either. I can reset the router and will do that with no security and see what happens.

Thanks again,


Delete all the networks from your Windows client too, then try to connect to an unsecured network with zero security.
OMG! OMG! OMG! i am on the internet WIRELESS!!!! I am in shock-city!! I think I got bruised when the chair and I both went over! LOL

I reset the router, and reinstalled the software with no security, and BINGO! I FINALLY got wireless connection! So it HAD to be a security problem. I reset the router again, reinstalled the software with WEP instead of WAP2 security (those were the only 2 offered other than no security).then I tried to connect, and WHAM!! I was online!!

I can't thank all of you enough, I would NEVER have gotten it done without your help. I am still in a state of shock!! This is an incredible forum, and you are some of its best ambassadors!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I told you to remove all existing wireless connections and to reset up yours. That usually fixes the issue. But glad to see its finally figured out.
Similar problem to OP; Send not receive packets, no ip address!

Recently I inherited a Dell Latitude Laptop running Windows XP Professional version 2002.

I live next door to a cafe, I get a free wireless signal that works on my laptop. The Dell sees the wireless signals in the area, and when I put in the Network name and password, I connect only to send packets and not receive. I also do not get an IP address. Please advise.
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