Is free Wi Fi really free?


New Member
I want to buy a laptop that is wireless capable. I live in a large metropolitan area that has a lot of free WiFi locations, which will soon include all public parks. My question is: are these places really free to use the internet? Do I have to pay for my own service in order to get online? or can I just use Internet Explorer?


VIP Member
what large metropolitan area is it you live in, without this info its hard to help, because certain places might have certain policys and whatnot.


New Member
janismia said:
I want to buy a laptop that is wireless capable. I live in a large metropolitan area that has a lot of free WiFi locations, which will soon include all public parks. My question is: are these places really free to use the internet? Do I have to pay for my own service in order to get online? or can I just use Internet Explorer?
Well if you live by a place such as a cofeeshop, bookstore, etc... that offer free internet, then go ahead and use it. But if your neighbors have wireless internet DO NOT leech off of them. It is illegal and you will get caught.

I hope I didn't come on too strong, but I really dislike when people use my network without my permission. Anyways, I hope I what I said helped.


VIP Member
you normally have to pay for them, you connect, load up ie and the default page should run you through how to pay and the cost incurred. Usually they set up vpns to providers network.

But then again thats in the uk, where are you.


VIP Member
but I really dislike when people use my network without my permission

this shouldn't be a problem if you use the basic security steps for setting up a wireless network. Unless you live next to some hard core computer hacker(s)


New Member
I live in the bay area. In SF, the mayor is offering free wifi in areas such as union square and soon he says the public parks will have free wifi. My question is: can I just go and buy a laptop and then go to union square or a starbucks and go online?


VIP Member
you may have to go ask whichever department it is thats doing that, but its ounds like you can, of course youll need to buy a wireless network adapter too. im thinking i may be moving to san fransisco soon


New Member
what is a wireless network adapter? is it already installed in a wireless ready laptop?
you should move to San Fran its a beautiful city. I am originally from New York and I love it here!


VIP Member
There are places that charge a daily fee or hourly fee, and there are also places that are free. I know that some coffeeshops and resturants have free WiFi, i dont know about having it free at parks, but then again, i dont live in SF. If they say its free, then you can use it for free, and i believe all you do is open up internet explorer and go (not sure if you need to configure a wireless conenction or no, but the one built into windows should be good enough)


Staff member
But if your neighbors have wireless internet DO NOT leech off of them. It is illegal and you will get caught
Not all neightbours know how to catch wardrivers.

Matthew Weidman

New Member
my answer is no because i do it all the time and i haven't gotten any bills but you may live somewhere else where they might have different policies