Is it easy or worth it to Refurbish a Laptop Hard Drive?


I have a few laptop hard drives that are just sitting around. They all had issues at some point or another where they started to act up. Most of them started reporting I/O errors when copying data, etc, but would boot to Windows most of the time. If I want to refurbish them, can you do it with software easily so they will work for a year or more? Or are they basically dead and I should throw them out?


Staff member
Chances are the drives are toast. In the event they are not, you could try zeroing them out but there's no guarantee that they will work for any period of time.


Okay, thanks for the advice. I'll probably just throw them out then if they can't really be fixed. I don't need to add another project to my list of things to do anyways, lol. Thanks again, much appreciated!