Is this suspicious?


New Member
Hello everyone,

I am currently using the wifi in a rental house, and found these settings in the internet router ( c.f attached image)
As you can see, someone set up a port forwarding from the ip adress which is my computer s address on the local network..I don't understand what port forwarding are for, but the info I found made it sound like it could be that my traffic is redirected to another computer?

What do you guys think about that, is it suspicious?
If it is,what can I do about it?

Thank you very much,

Best regards.


Staff member
UPnP is an automatic service, if the router is configured to support it and your application requests the port to be forwarded, then the router will forward the port.

TCP/UDP 8999 generally tends to reference 'Brodos Crypto Trading Protocol', although any service can be configured for any port.


Staff member
Probably fine.

Better question is why you're snooping through port forwarding configuration on a network you're a guest of at a rental house. I know many people leave default login credentials but still. I'm all for being curious but you certainly shouldn't be changing anything.