Kb, Mb, Gb, Tb, Pb, Eb?

lol! this thread was resurected 4 times :D
i'll stay tuned for next year. maybe we'll have a PB drives then, though i doubt it.
seems to me with the new SSDs we went back to GBs
If everything shifts to the Internet, and we start buying are media and software from the web. Typical consumer will probably need a little over 1tb for their content and backup. Assuming everyone does backup there data.
Intel is coming out with the 600GB SSD this year, so we should see TB drives in a couple of years.

And even if everyone starts storing their data in the cloud, that data still has to be stored somewhere. So traditional HDD storage will still be around for a long time.
Any idea when? I read in Q4 of 2010 and at price as the 320gb models.

I believe we are reffering to SSD drives and not a SSD PCI-E card

It is an SSD drive, just uses a faster PCIe interface much like the RevoDrives