Keyboard Cleaning


VIP Member
I don't know how well it actually "cleaned" it. At first I thought some of the letters got rubbed off, but it turns out there's a film or something over them... I don't know if this was just random crud left in the dishwasher or what... Testing will probably be later tonight or tomorrow.


VIP Member
Sorry for all the posts :eek: Last one before a reply. This one is using the newly cleaned keyboard on my test machine ;) All seems well so far. Unfortunetly the 0 key still sticks a bit, but otherwise it's fine!


New Member
ok, how about a removable membrane, with the way my keyboard is put together, a membrane wouldn't affect the key presses.


New Member
Fed up of struggling to clean between your keys?

Whip the screws out and take a look at how your keyboard is put together. I have found that with my Microsoft Digital Media Pro, that the whole top section was completely independent of any cables or circuitry, so I rinsed it out under the shower, allowed it to dry and then screwed it back together.

The result is that it once again looks like new and the keys seem more springy, probably because they were impacting on various debris that had built up under them since it was first used.

I did this same thing to my dell keyboard however I used a dishwasher. I thought I ruined it at first, but I didn't let it dry out throughly at first.