Leaving a Computer on.


New Member
At Christmas I made a computer. Its a nice set up. I sometimes haft to leave it on over night and into the day. I am worried that it might over-heat the computer. It has 3 fans so that helps.

I think I'm just paranoid. Is this ok to do?


Flaring Afro

New Member
if a computer has proper cooling its fine, most people leave their computers on. its even argued by many that its better for the hardware than turning it on which is a very fast temperature increase, etc.


New Member
like flaring afro said, if it has proper cooling its fine to do. if you turn your computer off at night, the expansion and contraction of parts due to heating and cooling is thought to make them wear out faster. leaving it on will prevent this and your fans will go bad a little bit sooner. definitely worth it with how cheap fans are though


Active Member
TBH it doesn't matter if you leave it on or off. People have argued either way since the dawn of computers. The main thing is convenience versus your electricity bill. If your computer doesn't overheat during use, it will be fine to leave on.


Put the computer into sleep mode if your gonna leave it for more then 1 hour but less then a few hours. Turn it off if your gonna leave it for more then say 6 hours. This is the plan I go by. I can't imagine the slightly extra wear and tear of turning it on and off, if there is any, outweighing the extra electricity cost. If your turning your computer on and off each day and the mechanical components of the computer break down a bit faster then you would like its probably due to just age or excessive use in general.

When it comes to heat your computer will maintain a certain temperature +/1 a few degrees when it is idle. Its only when the computer is in heavy use that you need to be concerned about temperatures. Just make sure you keep up with the maintenence of the system and all the fans are operating.

The Chad

New Member
It should be all good if you leave it on, and you have cooling so it wont overheat. Only thing I'd watch out for is that if you leave it on say overnight, in a closed room, it could get very hot inside. But I doubt that would cause it to overheat.

As suggested before, just put it into sleep mode. Or if you aren't going to use it for very long shut down.