LG L204WT 20.1" Problem


New Member
Just bought this monitor today, and I was playing CS:Source, when all of a sudden the color dropped substancially, and the images began to look 16, even 8-bit like. It looks chromatic like, and any colors other than white are visably flickering (not intensely, yet noticeable). Blue looks green (like the banner of the top of this site looks like a dark green).

The monitor did seem a bit hot to the touch, yet I'm just wondering if this is something I should take it back over, or if the settings are messed up.

The rest of my computer info is in my sig. I'm just wondering if anyone knows what could be up.

It doesn't matter where I am, window, boot screen, it's all blurry and looks like it's bleeding.

I've disconnected the cables and reattached them to no avail. I am using a DVI to analog converter though, so it can plug into my 9800 card.

I will try tommorow to buy a DVI cable, so I can do a direct connect and see if that's the problem, yet if it could be something else let me know.

PS - I did update my display drivers, yet that shouldn't be the problem if it was working fine before, and in the middle of gameplay it just cut out like that.
DVI cable made no difference. Yeah, dark colors tend to look like they're flickering between red and green.

I'm taking it back to get a replacement, and if that one goes bogus on me, bye bye LG.

And it's not my video card. My friends monitor works perfectly fine on my computer :/
Yup it does. I've read some threads stating that people haven't had any issues with the AIW 9800 Pro and the native resolution (1680x1050) of the monitor.

Well, I got my replacement, so lets hope this doesn't happen again.

It's a solid monitor otherwise, and the 2000:1 contrast ratio is stellar!