Looking for a free web site


I want to create a small and simple website (free of charge) for my union members.I expect suggestions and advise from web experts

I have sufficient knowledge (for my Job) of HTML,Flash 8 and VB.NET programming.

Pls comment


VIP Member
For free you won't be able to get your own domain, such as www.myunion.com, it will be something like myunion.freewebs.com, and most likely will have advertisements and text from whoever is offering the free service. Are you okay with that?


For free you won't be able to get your own domain, such as www.myunion.com, it will be something like myunion.freewebs.com, and most likely will have advertisements and text from whoever is offering the free service. Are you okay with that?


If that is fine with you I would recommend using weebly.com they have a pretty good free site builder. you will just have the myunion.weebly.com on the free account.