Looking for a Summer Game


New Member
I'm in the market for a new game and I want something with longevity. I currently own starcraft II so I am looking for something other than an rts.

The games I am considering atm are but not excluded to:

The Witcher 2
Crysis 2
F.E.A.R. 3 (Although this is pushing it because it doesn't come out until late June)
Portal 2 (Yet, I don't think this game has the replayability like the others)
Dead Space 2 (Loved the first, but I am not sure how many people play it online)

Any suggestions?
crysis 2 is amazing. It took me 7hrs 2 minutes to finish even on the lowest difficulty setting. If you have a god PC then you really will love the graphics, and you can do some awesome stuff like picking up enemies then throwing them off of buildings and stuff
how about the dragons age games, could go for parts 1 and 2, thats got a fair amount of longevity to it
I have heard good things about the Crysis 2 Gameplay but also some issues since it has been ported to PC with the Graphics since it ships with DX9.
I don't know whether they fixed it or not but still alot of people seem to have enjoyed the game.I played it but I discovered that I got bored of all FPS games so cannot be a fair judge of it.
I would say GTA IV and GTA IV Episodes from liberty City and Mafia II but both are short games.
Final Fantasy is a pretty long game.
I have heard good things about the Crysis 2 Gameplay but also some issues since it has been ported to PC with the Graphics since it ships with DX9.
I don't know whether they fixed it or not but still alot of people seem to have enjoyed the game.I played it but I discovered that I got bored of all FPS games so cannot be a fair judge of it.
I would say GTA IV and GTA IV Episodes from liberty City and Mafia II but both are short games.
Final Fantasy is a pretty long game.

Crysis 2 was an average shooter, with average graphics, average sounds and average gameplay. It doesn't stand out as exceptional, it doesn't stand out as awful, it is just yet another FPS to add to the ever growing collection.

Final fantasy are indeed long, but if you played 13 you would just be shocked at how bad it is and how unlike other Final Fantasy games it is. It isn't a game, it is a linear progression from cut scene to cut scene. They may as well have just made a film instead.

Brink looks to be the most promising game at the moment I think. Everything looks fluid and fun, and the multiplayer missions look great as well, combining single player and multi player. It seems to be a lot like TF2, but not like TF2 at all

I would try League of Legends if you haven't before. 100% free and so much fun :D Can take a few games to learn the basics, so you will get your arse handed to you, but once you find a champion you can play, you will quickly get better
How about Dirt 3, it is due for release 24th may 2011. Everyone i have spoken to is looking forward to this game it should be a gooden.
I can't wait for DiRT3, but I can't imagine how much better the graphics can get compared to DiRT2.

I am also looking for a game on PC. Just got this gaming PC back together and looking to stretch its legs. I have no idea what these kids are playing these days.
Thanks for the feedback. I have already played Dragon Age, as well as GTA on the 360. I've beaten Borderlands too many times by now and sadly Fallout has never entertained me. I tried really hard to enjoy it, but I found the combat lacking. I hope Skyrim and Rage turn out to be great. I played FF13 on the console as well and I did enjoy the game believe it or not; however, that was the first FF game I have ever played.

As for Crysis 2, I would love to have it, but I'm afraid the multiplayer is another CoD clone.

I will have to look into League of Legends and Dirt 3. Thanks for the advice. I am really hoping that Brink turns out to be exceptional or at least different.

Does anyone know if Dead Space 2 multiplayer PC community is still active?
For replayability and longness...

You cant beat:

Total War series (many to chose from from Roman, to Napoleon, to Japan)
Civilizations series (most addicting game of all time, can literally lose your life in this game)
Mount n Blade Warband (another addicting, awesome long game that can be played again and again.
Summer time game??? go outside and play some football or paintball bro! Battlefield Bad Company 2 is tons of fun also
Thanks for the feedback. I have already played Dragon Age, as well as GTA on the 360. I've beaten Borderlands too many times by now and sadly Fallout has never entertained me. I tried really hard to enjoy it, but I found the combat lacking. I hope Skyrim and Rage turn out to be great. I played FF13 on the console as well and I did enjoy the game believe it or not; however, that was the first FF game I have ever played.

As for Crysis 2, I would love to have it, but I'm afraid the multiplayer is another CoD clone.

I will have to look into League of Legends and Dirt 3. Thanks for the advice. I am really hoping that Brink turns out to be exceptional or at least different.

Does anyone know if Dead Space 2 multiplayer PC community is still active?

What I would recommend is this:

Buy nothing. Instead, try League of Legends as it is free.

Whilst that is up and running, check the midweek and weekend deals on Steam when they come up, you will probably be able to get at least 4-6 games for the price of one, and even if you only play each until you buy the next, it keeps everything fresh, and you have a lot more options later on too. The Steam thing is what I always do with my games, on on my game list I've got ~60 games, average price spent on each around £4 per game, which, when considering a PC game is usually £30, that isn't bad at all ;). Even if you get a game on a whim and find it isn't that good, for £4, you can't really go wrong...

About Dead Space 2, I can't say unfortunately, I don't have the game, doesn't really interest me. Will use my sources and contacts though and have a little snoop around :p
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What I would recommend is this:
Whilst that is up and running, check the midweek and weekend deals on Steam when they come up, you will probably be able to get at least 4-6 games for the price of one, and even if you only play each until you buy the next, it keeps everything fresh, and you have a lot more options later on too. The Steam thing is what I always do with my games, on on my game list I've got ~60 games, average price spent on each around £4 per game, which, when considering a PC game is usually £30, that isn't bad at all ;). Even if you get a game on a whim and find it isn't that good, for £4, you can't really go wrong...

i agree with what you said about steam. Its easy to just pick up a game for around £5 (sometimes less) and play it for a couple of days then get another. sometimes there are some really great bundle deals as well.

the only games i can really suggest would be mount and blade: with fire and sword (when it comes out), which is only£8.99 on steam at the moment.
Thanks guys.

@Aastii I will have to keep an eye on steam. Thanks for looking into DS2, let me know if you learn anything through your recon.

Hopefully I get lucky and land a great deal on Brink.
Apparently it isn't as active as it was (not surprisingly), but it isn't difficult to find a game, so you won't notice the lull in traffic
I still say try my list... Way more replayable than any of the above...

I would however, I want something other than rts type games since I currently own SCII.

The total war series is great though. Thanks for the advice I'll look into mounting blade, I have never heard of it before.
None of what I suggested are RTS?

Total War is TBS/RTT (Turn based Strategy/Real Time Tactics)
Civ is of course TBS
Mount n Blade is RPG/RTS/RTT/Win lol

But yeah I highly recommend Mount n Blade Warband... Tis is epic...
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None of what I suggested are RTS?

Total War is TBS/RTT (Turn based Strategy/Real Time Tactics)
Civ is of course TBS
Mount n Blade is RPG/RTS/RTT/Win lol

But yeah I highly recommend Mount n Blade Warband... Tis is epic...

Mount and blade is on steam deal right now, I picked up warband too, all for the massive price of £7. £3.50 a game ftw :D. They are really really fun games too