Mac OS on Intel?


New Member
Is it possible to install mac OS X on my desktop pc?
its an intel chip set...i am lead to believe that you can not do that
Not easily, they try and make sure that it cant be done. But there are some people that get it to work.
Yes you can, Its a fairly complecated process, but there are hacked versions of OSX floating around on BT that have everything ready and install fairly easily, abet illegaly.
I downloaded it for fun and installed it on some old desktop I recently sold. All I got running was plain Darwin with a shell. No graphics or anything :| .
Why would you guys install a HACK version of osx, everything could be much more easy with Linux. So execpt if you really need osx for some weird prog that microsoft hasnt done anything like, go towards linux.

Another thing to think about is if you really need this osx, but only for a specific program, install windows, get this hack version of osx and run the osx in windows when you do need it, using VmWare Virtual Machine, or Microsoft Virtual PC. Should work
bobatomik said:
Why would you guys install a HACK version of osx, everything could be much more easy with Linux. So execpt if you really need osx for some weird prog that microsoft hasnt done anything like, go towards linux.

Another thing to think about is if you really need this osx, but only for a specific program, install windows, get this hack version of osx and run the osx in windows when you do need it, using VmWare Virtual Machine, or Microsoft Virtual PC. Should work

could you do that for final cut pro HD?
bobatomik said:
Why would you guys install a HACK version of osx, everything could be much more easy with Linux.
It was for sheer entertainment. I wanted to be able to say I had OS X, Linux, Unix, and Windows all on one computer.
Wow...Are you keeping them all on one HD or on serpate drives? I thinks it difficult enough with Linux and Windows on on HD nevermind Unix and Mac OS (in a manner of speaking).
You start having problems with boot loaders and partitions when you go higher than four. 'Tis why I commonly run Windows, a small, fast Linux like DSL, a bulkier Linux like Knoppix, and FreeBSD. It's geek chic. LOL