Make your scroll wheel stop clicking


New Member
ya, i kept it noisy too, but only because i play alot of computer games and stuff, but i love it for web browsing. you'd be suprised how nice it is.


Staff member
If i could hear the clicking of the mice over the 2 turbofans, 6 tornados and 2 volcanos (and speakers) i might consider it :p


<b>VIP Member</b>
Well, I like to have feedback when using the mouse or the keyboard...
BTW, I have a 15 year old keyboard with powerful clicks (even the neighbors can hear it at night). :)


New Member
I kept the clicking on my mouse,

but have you ever taken all the keys off that keyboard, and vacumed it out?


<b>VIP Member</b>
I usually wash my keyboard.
First take it apart, put all the components (without the electronic part) in water and add detergent. Then stir, rinse and dry... :cool:


New Member
mine key board hasnt been clean in ages so the space bar and f keys are the only clickers and I first got it, it was louder than my typewriter