Microsoft Office 2007 Beta

I don't use Office in general. I feel it's very bloated and OpenOffice works great for me(well, besides the fact the PowerPoint clone is pretty sorry...) But anyway, I'm downloading the beta now and I'll try it on my tester system. I suppose there's no way to get a fairly new Vista beta, is there? I'm sure it would kill my old tester, but it would be great practice.
. It's just time limited.
yea keep in mind you can keep it untill 2007, the point i am trying to get at is microsoft have never been so generous.

Think About it
They get you to reformat you harddrive just to run the free trial of Windows xp64 and thats only a trial for 30 or more days.
Vista wouldn't run on your tester. It wouldn't install on a system with only 256mb of RAM. It also won't run on a sub 1 GHz Processor system, and you definitely wouldn't get the Aero effects. You're better off installing it on your desktop system via VMware. To me though, Vista betas are a waste of time. They offer little, and most of the good stuff stays in the internal and CTP builds, the betas leave out all the "nonperfect" stuff. A lot of stuff doesn't run on Beta 1 either. But unless you have MSDN or technet, you can't get it anyways, not a big deal, trust me, I have it in VMware. As for office, I've never had any trouble, and I personally prefer it to OpenOffice. Openoffice to me lacks some stuff, and just doesn't "feel" right to me. Then again, the price tag for office doesn't make me feel great either. But if you can get along without Office, I say good for you. I only would reccomend it for linux as an OK alternative for those worried about not having office.
Christian Darrall said:
yea keep in mind you can keep it untill 2007, the point i am trying to get at is microsoft have never been so generous.

Think About it
They get you to reformat you harddrive just to run the free trial of Windows xp64 and thats only a trial for 30 or more days.

Sorry for the double post here. All OS versions were like that, the CTP builds of vista last 30-90 depending on the build, the betas last 180 or to a certain specified date, whichever comes first. The server version trials also last 180 days as well. It's not that big of a difference, Office betas and other betas such as that microsoft Onecare utilities thing lasted longer too. The OS trials never last as long.
I have Office 2003 and it keeps prompting me that some files are missing amd that I need to re-install even though I've re-installed around 3 times...
Apokarteron said:
I have Office 2003 and it keeps prompting me that some files are missing amd that I need to re-install even though I've re-installed around 3 times...
Is your disc corrupted? Perhaps something blocks the transfer of certain files during install. It's happened to me before, certain security apps screw up installations by blocking code accidentally suspecting it of malicious activity.
I think the new office rocks, and I can't wait for Vista to be released!
However I did notice that office 2007 beta 2 did not include Front Page, is that just because it's a beta?
Yea, I agree, Office 2007 is going to be even better on Vista, where it's target designed for. As for Frontpage, it's cut from Office 2007. They offer what's called Sharepoint, and that comes in two packages, a "Designer Version", intended for server based web development platforms, and "Sharepoint Web Designer", a seperate package from the standard office, which is similar to but different from Frontpage.
Christian Darrall said:
Think About it
They get you to reformat you harddrive just to run the free trial of Windows xp64 and thats only a trial for 30 or more days.
I've got a 180 day trial of it, and 180 day trial of win server 2003, thats free os's from microsoft to last me a year, and then they office BETA, microsoft aint so bad afterall, also they have the office server trials don't they, or are they not a whole operating system, just some software? i installed office on my laptop, which is pretty crap, and it ran incredibly well, i don't like the new menu system, but i'll get used to it, also a good feature is the word count that auto-updates as you type in the bottom corner, very useful for when you want to do the minimum word requirements for essays ;)

Lee :)
Yea, I like that word count realtime feature myself. Previously you could add a toolbar, but you'd have to click to recalculate it after every space you make. I think the new menus, myself, are annoying now, but will become more liked in the future, as we get used to them, we'll prefer them to the older way.