MILC suggestion


formerly liuliuboy
Hey guys,

I'm looking to purchase one of those new compact mirror-less cameras. I'm not an avid photographer but I do like to mess around with it once in a while. Can anyone recommend me one (preferably the more compact ones) that costs under $500?

Also, can anyone that knows this field well educate me about these cameras? It seems like I'm looking for ones with compact four third censors, correct?

Thanks guys


formerly liuliuboy
Oh hey just noticed that. Also, do you think it's a good idea to go with the 14mm pancake lens initially due to its compact nature? Or should I get the kit with the 14-40mm lens.


formerly liuliuboy
Oh wait, the GF5 doesn't come with the 14mm lens. It does, however, comes with power 14-42mm lens (now on sale too). I might just grab that one due to its more compact nature compared to the regular 14-42mm lens.