Monitor/Speaker set-up

My speakers are currently connected (and always have been) to my desktop PC (not monitor).

But, I keep reading that people connect their speakers to their monitor.

Not sure if this is a silly question, but what is the difference and what is best practice?

(I will be getting a new PC soon with a new monitor (w/o integrated speakers) and wish to know the best set-up)) please?

My speakers are set up through my desktop and my screen doesn't have speaker input. I think it's because some screen have integrated speakers that you can do that.

Through the desktop is good enough.

EDIT: Keep it to one post mate, no need to double post even if the problem is on two forums (monitors and audio) :)
Monitor speakers are crap unless you don't need good sound quality. Get some real speakers for $30 or so and you'll be fine.
Thanks guys and sorry for the double post.

Just been reading that some people use their speakers plugged direct into their PC usually via DVI and their HDMI via their PS3/Xbox with the speakers plugged direct into their monitor...
DVI doesn't carry audio, so that doesn't make sense. And plugging speakers into their monitor doesn't either. For an Xbox/PS3 plugging speakers into a TV makes more sense than what you said.
DVI doesn't carry audio, so that doesn't make sense. And plugging speakers into their monitor doesn't either. For an Xbox/PS3 plugging speakers into a TV makes more sense than what you said.

I had monitors where you could plug speakers into them, but you had to connect desktop audio to the monitor too...

Basically it was useless, just plug it directly to your desktop.