monitor wont turn on after iput new card in, wtf!!!!!


New Member
hey, i used ot have 2x256mb memory sticks ddr and i bought a new memory stick (1g) after i take out the 2x256mb and put in the 1g the computer turns on and i hear beeping that is constent and the monitor never turn on it just goes ot the power saving button. i also tried to put back the 2x256mb and the beeping goes again and the monitor wont turn on, rightn ow i have 1 of the 256mb cards in and i am realyl confused can someone plez help me ,

if you have aim u could talk 2 me there my screenname is mikey4865
Try clearing the CMOS (Usually just by switching a jumper for a few seconds then restoring it, or, if no CMOS jumper is present, by removing the battery and replacing it in several seconds).

Also, try switching which RAM ports you have the RAM plugged into. It may be a faulty RAM slot.
ok i sorta need more persise instructions cuz right now i have 1 or the 256mb and the 1g in right now and it runs so i am goin to take out the 256mb and keep in the 1g and take out the batetry for alil while then put battery back in then c if works?
OK, try putting the 256 meg in the other ram slot and see if it still works. (before we get into the CMOS clearing, I didn't realize you could get it to work with 2 of the RAM slots. It sounds to me that you have a bad RAM slot, but we'll see).
hey im back i tried takin out the 256 and keeping the 1g in didnt work

by the way do u have any idea wat the beeping right after i tunr the computer on is, wenever that happens them onitor wont turn on
That's a BIOS error code (or just the computer yelling at you ;)). In the motherboard manual it should tell you what the various beeps mean. Since it works or doesn't work in accordance with what RAM you have in there I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's a RAM error.

Alright, I'm getting a little lost, so can you please clarify a couple of things? Such as; How many RAM slots does your motherboard have? What combinations of RAM don't work, and which do? Is it a continuous beep, or is it, for instance, a long beep, then two short beeps? Are you trying to get all three RAM cards to work together, or just the 1 gig?
i have 4 slots

the 1g does not work by itself but it works with 1 of my 256mb sticks but never with the other lol ,

the beep is short for about 1sec but keeps beeping for about 15sec
It seems likely that one of the RAM sticks got damaged when you removed it (static electricity?). But why would the 1 gig stick not work solo? Hmmm...

Is the 1 gig stick the same speed as the other sticks of RAM (for instance, DDR400, DDR333, etc., or PC3200, PC2700, etc. (same thing))? What motherboard are you using? I'm not too terribly experienced with this sort of thing, but might it be that the 1 gig stick is faster than your max FSB? Might using it with the 256 stick be bringing it's clock speed down to one accepted by the board?

People who have had more experience with this sort of thing are encouraged to post.
Do you know if dual-channel was activated with the 2x256 MB sticks? That support site leads me to believe it was. Try running it with the 1 gig and 256 meg card, go into the BIOS, and see if there's an option to deactivate dual-channel. If there is, do so, and try it again with the various combos.