Most Valuable Item you ever found?


New Member
I never really found anything big, but i have a friend who you could really be jalous about. He mostly gives the stuff to police but some stuff he just keeps. His dad is the maintenance guy at a Condo cummunity and he finds everything. He then gets the stuff if people dont go get it back at the front desk wich almost never happens cause mostly visitors come for 2 weeks and leave. Just to give you an idea....he got to keep 3 pairs of Oakley sunglasses after all atempts to find the owner

Most valuable item i ever found was a bill of 50 Euros in the Netherlands.


when i was in the 4th grade i think it was i found 48$ in a envolope in the middle of the street. And some white powdery stuff they i thre away and im pretty sure now that it was a drug but then i idnd;t know


Staff member
Volkswagon Beatle (new one), yellow. Complete with keys. This morning :D Funniest thing ever :D


New Member
How does one go about finding one of those?

The most I found was 50 dollars, but I saw the person drop it so I gave it back.


New Member
i was mowing the lawn of my nieghbors, which happened to be a college frat house, and apparently there was a party the night before, anyway, i found a wallet complete with $60 and a visa :D


SlothX311 said:
i was mowing the lawn of my nieghbors, which happened to be a college frat house, and apparently there was a party the night before, anyway, i found a wallet complete with $60 and a visa :D

I would hope you return that. At least the visa because even if you use it your gonna get tracked down and screwed lol.


New Member
I havent found anything valuable :( . Me and my friends did however find some really funny stuff in an agenda in the lost and found. It was like "[my friends name] is so hot!!!" and then a whole bunch of stuff about buying drugs... Rofl it was so funny. My friend told everybody in the school and he got in a lot of trouble... Good times... :)

Greg J.

VIP Member
Several years ago, I found two pocket knives under a car in a supermarket parking lot. Today, I don't know where they are. I can't find them....maybe they were thrown out.

OS Dragon

New Member
Once I found £22.22. I was ultra ecstatic and bought some worthless things :p The good old days when there was no worries on the mind :rolleyes:


Truth fears no questions
I am not a cat person... But I when I was 11 I found a cat (siamese). His ear was all messed up.. I guess he got in a fight with a opossum.. anyway we took him to the vet and kept him. ........I also found $5 (USD) in middle school and bought a pizza and pepsi with it..


VIP Member
In, I saw a ten doller bill just lieng in the middle of the floor. Funny part was, everyone was just walkking by. So I walked over and picked it up. And I was ten dollers richer.


New Member
FOUND 100usd return it to OLD lady. FOUND 10,000 yen return it to HOT japanese chick.

FOUND a pair of CK G-STRINGS nobody claims so i kept it.