mozilla firefox or firefox


VIP Member
They are the same, unless you are perhaps talking about the "Mozilla Application Suite" which is now called Seamonkey.

Seamonkey is supposed to integrate browser, mail, chat, etc under one application.

In my opinion, all-in-one approaches tend to cripple the individual components.

I've tried Seamonkey in the past, and was underwhelmed-- the features I wanted and found with combinations of Firefox and add-ons was not obtainable under Seamonkey. (I have three different iterations of Firefox on my machine for different applications)


Active Member
they are the same things... unless you are talking about mozilla firefox the web browser or a fox that breathes fire...

id give it to the fire breathing fox.


Staff member
Don't know what he is talking about. But it brings back memories of the old Netscape Navigator vs. IE war.


New Member
I will start off by saying I am no expert, but from what I can tell.... Mozilla firefox and firefox both have the capability of tabbed browsing, allowing a user to operate many windows inside just one brower window. The firefox standalone boasts higher speeds and unlimited tabbed windows per window. Also, firefox will load webpages slightly faster. They both support spell correction, live bookmarking, and a download manager. Mozilla firefox does have better internet security and a wider add-on base. Although with any added internet security program that becomes a non issue. They are really pretty similar when you compare them next to each other, but I think in the end I would definately choose Mozilla Firefox over just plain old firefox - link-
Also, Mozilla should look slightly better on your gaming monitor as long as it is being used with a proper HDMI cable.

*some numbers aren't verified and can only be speculated that they were pulled from a quick but extensive google search


Well-Known Member
I will start off by saying I am no expert, but from what I can tell.... Mozilla firefox and firefox both have the capability of tabbed browsing, allowing a user to operate many windows inside just one brower window. The firefox standalone boasts higher speeds and unlimited tabbed windows per window. Also, firefox will load webpages slightly faster. They both support spell correction, live bookmarking, and a download manager. Mozilla firefox does have better internet security and a wider add-on base. Although with any added internet security program that becomes a non issue. They are really pretty similar when you compare them next to each other, but I think in the end I would definately choose Mozilla Firefox over just plain old firefox - link-
Also, Mozilla should look slightly better on your gaming monitor as long as it is being used with a proper HDMI cable.

*some numbers aren't verified and can only be speculated that they were pulled from a quick but extensive google search

lol you're awesome :D