My sub is buzzing please help...

Hoka hey

New Member
Alright I have a z-5500 sound system, my sub is 10 inches and it's 188 watts. Read more here if needed...,CRID=2177,CONTENTID=9486
Anyways, the buzzing only happens on some songs at volumes louder than 1/4 volume. I don't know why it started doing it, but it started this last weekend. It's a rattling type noise as if something like the front grill was shaking, so I tried screwing that in more with a hex wrench and that didn't work. It's bugging me like no other, if you know something i can do to fix or something you think might fix it, please tell me.
I fast buzzing sound would be something loose in the enclosure somewhere. If it's like a flapping sound that happens at certain frequencies (especially low ones) then you've blown the sub and the cone is damaged. If it's more of a distortion, the sub is clipping meaning you are trying to force too much power to it. Try turning the gain on the Bass down.
vortmax said:
I fast buzzing sound would be something loose in the enclosure somewhere. If it's like a flapping sound that happens at certain frequencies (especially low ones) then you've blown the sub and the cone is damaged. If it's more of a distortion, the sub is clipping meaning you are trying to force too much power to it. Try turning the gain on the Bass down.
So do you mean go into my creative program and turn the bass and there or use the main dial and select bass and turn that down???
try turning the levels in windows up and turning the dial on the speakers down. most speakers buzz a little bit, im thinking there's some interference from your mains supply thats being amplified and showing up on the sub. also, some power supplies for speakers aren't as high quality as they should be and tend to cause interference
Hairy_Lee said:
try turning the levels in windows up and turning the dial on the speakers down. most speakers buzz a little bit, im thinking there's some interference from your mains supply thats being amplified and showing up on the sub. also, some power supplies for speakers aren't as high quality as they should be and tend to cause interference
well it was fine last weekend then this last monday it started doing this, also I don't know if this helps, but it did this a long time ago when I was using an onboard sound card, before I bought my audigy II.
just a hint, it might help. NEVER use equalizers built into media players. These modify the signal being passed to the sound card. This usually results in sub-par sound quality. You want to adjust level POSTprocessor. so the gain knobs on the speakers are your best bet unless you can't get the desired tuning. It's not good to have the bass and trebble gains cranked all the way up to get good sound. It's bad form and points to a poorly set up speaker system. If you need to fine tune sound output, do so with the sound card software. This way you are modifying it at the processing level. You are passing unaltered signal to the card, letting the driver alter it as part of the processing and then pass it through. If you are using the winamp or windows media equalizer you could be throwing the crossover off enough feed some of the sub signal into the speakers....making them clip
vortmax said:
just a hint, it might help. NEVER use equalizers built into media players. These modify the signal being passed to the sound card. This usually results in sub-par sound quality. You want to adjust level POSTprocessor. so the gain knobs on the speakers are your best bet unless you can't get the desired tuning. It's not good to have the bass and trebble gains cranked all the way up to get good sound. It's bad form and points to a poorly set up speaker system. If you need to fine tune sound output, do so with the sound card software. This way you are modifying it at the processing level. You are passing unaltered signal to the card, letting the driver alter it as part of the processing and then pass it through. If you are using the winamp or windows media equalizer you could be throwing the crossover off enough feed some of the sub signal into the speakers....making them clip
Alright so I should put all the winamp equializing stuff and the creative equalizer to 50% on everything and then use sound blasters noise control center, whatver program that is, to alter my volume to my liking? I guess it's worth a shot.
turn the winamp equalizer off completely (there is a button). Do the same with the creative equalizer. See what it sounds like. If you need to, adjust the creative equalizer from there. Try not to max out any sliders and adjust in steps so you can hear where it starts to distort
yeah I guess so. I can live with this, if it gets any worse I'll post thanks for your guys help anywyas though.
stupid's not the grill is it? Make sure there are no loose parts on the enclosure or the grill that are vibrating.
i personally feel that you are picking up electrical mains interference from somewhere. monitors can cause this.
Hairy_Lee said:
i personally feel that you are picking up electrical mains interference from somewhere. monitors can cause this.
hmmm, would it just start suddenly? It is a good assumption seeing as i have two monitors and a tv above my sub and (I don't know if this has anything to do with it) my sub is not magnetically shielded. In any case, what should I do if that is the problem?
do you usually have this thing pounding??

turn the gain down on the back of the sub to at least 50% and bring the bass levels down in your sound settings (you should never have the bass fully cranked on the computer and on the sub...that's not what those controls are for)

How long have you had this setup??
if you have the sub pounding all the time with the bass maxed out then chances are you've either damaged the speaker, or it's on the verge of getting severly damaged
apparently, the sub is starting to bottom out, or rattleing something on your desk... if the sub is bottoming out, then turn your bass down, if something is rattleing, then chances are, its a picture on the wall, or something, typically, if its something rattleing, it will have a short delay for the rattle from the bass... if it was blown, then it would sound very staticy... also, open the box and see if the sound insulation is hitting the sub, it happens sometimes