Need a router to monitor individual WAN usage


New Member
Hi there, just as title states I need a router to monitor individual computers WAN usage. (Got a new flatmate, he uses a lot of data)

There are 4 computers hardwired to the router and around 2-4 connected wirelessly... I don't particularly know how some routers track usage but hopefully it should be by the MAC addresses so they just can't be sneeky and change their port to the router or IP.

Gigabit LAN would be nice however, this current router has 100mb. So I really don't mind, just whichever is cheaper or more reliable :D

We have around a 15mb down and 2-5mbish up, with around a total usage of around 140GB...

So yeah, any routers that you could suggest would be GREAT! Just ask if you need anymore information :)
I don't know of any routers that log bandwidth by MAC address, my router which runs DD-WRT can log bandwidth, but it's the total of all the devices on my network. I know that's not exactly what you were looking for, but it's a start.
We used to run pfsense on an old computer as our router. It has ntop in addition to some other addons that will do exactly what you want. The only downside is that it's a computer OS that needs hardware. The upside is you can put in as many 1Gpbs cards as you have slots.