Need a Video Capture Card for Video Editing...Any Suggestions...


New Member
Hey guys,

Here's some quick background on my situation. I am converting my home movies to DVD. I converted a bunch not too long ago, but my computer was having problems connecting to the Internet because something on my comp must've been conflicting with Verizon.

Anyways, I had a computer guy re-install my entire operating system. I like how everything is cleaned out and the comp isn't cluttered, but now, my computer doesn't read my current capture card (It's a card that came packaged with Pinnacle 8 editing software--the same one that was working prior to the computer getting the OS re-installed). The comp recognizes that there is hardware on the comp, but it asks me to place a disk called "Windows Millenium Edition" enter the computer to continue installing the drivers I believe. The problem is that I cannot locate this disk. And the funny thing is that I don't remember needing to put in ANY disk to have the capture card be read by the computer when I first bought Pinnalce 8 a few years ago. I honestly just remember putting it in the PCI slot, putting the Pinnacle discs in my cd-rom drive to install the editing software and I was good to go.

Anways, my question to you guys is this...what should I do? I really like editing and want to convert my home movies to dvd. How should I approach this? Should I try and find another video capture card and hope that works? And if so, is there one that isn't too expensive and that will come with a cd that will install drivers for it?

Is there a certain capture card you'd recommend? Do you have any other ideas? Thanks guys.

EDIT: Just in case you need to know, I have a digital/DV Camera tape. Using 8mm, not mini-dv. Thanks in advance, guys.
try removing the card, then restart the computer check the device manager and make sure that everything that was loaded for the card is removed. then shutdown the computer and reinstall the card letting plug n play detect the card. Then it should install just like the first time you installed it.

I'm not really familiar with winXP but every time I reformat my pc running win98se I have to pull my network card. windows setup would cause an error when it tried to load the drivers, but the plug n play could install it fine once the os was properly installed.

Hope this helps,
Hey Sven...

Two questions...

When I pull the capture card out and check the device manager to see if everything--if anything--is unistalled regarding the card, how do I do this? Is there a button that will say "uninstall" or something like that? Or maybe simply "remove?"

Also...what do you mean by "plug and play?"

I think I know what card are you using ... It maybe Pinnacle DC10. It comes with Pinnacle Video Studio v. 8.XX

I don't use the card anymore. I sold it. Instead, I'm using Sony MiniDV to do the conversion. Better picture.

M Fairuz