Need help for laptop :'(


New Member
hi I wanna know if one of you guys can help me for a little probleme a have with my laptop. :confused: When I listen to music, the songs lag a little bit and the lyrics and confused :s plz someone help me. Thx

p.s. my laptop is an old hp compaq armada 4160T

I"ve already re-installed my driver. its just that the music lagg,
ex: the singer say something, and at the end of the sentence , the last word is repeated on the end of the sentence twice.
its bullshit.
maybe its just my computer ... to slow
try not to do anything while you're at it especially if it is not a hyper threading cpu or maybe dont go surfing for porn,bting,newgrouping,defragging,scanning for viruses at the same time while you're playing your song. if you're not doing any of those then thats probably not the problem. this is pretty common.

ive already done that... i close all he shit open, and dont do any move.
ther eis the probleme... when i listen to it from a cd, its pretty ok, but when its a song from my cpu, it laging shit.
any idea wtf now??, oh and i got another problem, when its open a long time, my laptop is freaking hot, does it matter or not?
solve :D

thx now its ok ive sold the shit.. lol
when I riped the music from my cd with windows media player , my compwas lagging so the songs was. lol
stupid prob. but thx!