Need Help: Windows 7 Installation

So i finished building my computer and i got myself an OEM copy of windows 7 home premium 64-bit.
When i try to install the windows i always get a blue screen of death. I would go in to the bios, put my optical drive as boot priority, reset, put in the windows 7 disk, installation would begin, it would take me to a list of my harddrives, id partition the one currently being used in my computer, and then it would go to a step "expanding windows" and at around 40% it stop and gives me the blue screen!!

please help! im so close to getting my first computer up and the only thing that stands in my way is the OS!
wait i think i may have found the problem. when it showed the hard drive i would then partition it and use the default max amount of space. however i just realized when clicking on the partition i created it says "windows cannot be installed to Disk 0 Partition 1."
If i ask to see the details it tells me "The selected partition required at least 8437 MB of free space". I had not noticed that previously..

So i guess an update to my question.. do i need to partition the hard drive???
ive been following this video:
Go to 12:20 of the video to see what i was doing. Is that step mandatory?

The hard drive im using is 1 TB and on that screen for me it says 931.5 GB total size and 931.5 GB free space.
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Just delete all the partitions. Then just click on unpartitioned space, and click next. Windows will automatically partition the drive as needed.
Okay thanks! i will do exactly that! HOPEFULLY IT WORKS!! If i run into any other problems should i continue on this thread
well.. i got rid of all the stuff and just have the single 931.5 GB hard drive on the list with no partitions and i hit next. it loaded for quite a while then it just appeared that "Windows is unable to install to the selected location. Error: 0x80300024"

So i cannot partition enough space on my hard drive to install it.. and i cannot allow it to partition itself.. that doesnt seem too good :/
well i decided to hit next a second time without the partitions and it is moving on to the next step!! no error this time but when it is on the step expanding windows files it usually gets to the blue screen at 40% but that was with the partition.. i think it might just work but ill just have to wait
Any other devices attached? Try this. Create a 100gb windows OS and program partition and install windows to that and see what happens.
just got blue screen again

Technical Information:

*** STOP: 0x00000024 ( 0x00000000001904FB, 0xFFFFF880033B7E328, 0xFFFFF88003B7DB80, 0xFFFFF88001C6DD42 )

*** Ntfs.sys - -Address FFFFF88001C6DD42 base at FFFFF88001C52000, Datestamp 4ce792F9
do you mean create the partition of the hard drive like i did before? and just try it again? the error that it says it has not enough space is still there
The only other thing I can think of is maybe you got a bad hard drive. Can you list all your system parts you bought?
Mobo: ASUS P8Z77-V-PRO
Hard drive: SATA WD Caviar Back 1TB
Video Card: MSI R7870 Twin Frozr 2GD5
Power Supply: Antec High Current Gamer 750 Watt
CPU: i5-3570K LGA1155
CPU Cooler:Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo
Optical Drive: Liteon 24x Internal DVD/CD Writer